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Posted - 08/11/2008 :  02:38:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just a quick note to say I'm four weeks post-sarno knowledge and things are going pretty well on the physical symptoms front, but I just wanted to state that I'm chuffed to bits (that means goddam happy) about my personality too.

Tackling all the emotions and focusing on them a lot and not letting them divert and avert my attention has had some cool results... I have been feeling trapped, misunderstood, and dull for years and couldn't get to the bottom of it. I used to be quite the jokey story-teller as a kid, but that evapourated during adolescence and left me mystified ever since. Some nights I'd be buzzing, but those nights were rare and generally I was gloomy. I've had some really interesting and diverse experiences and times in the last few weeks.

For example, yesterday. Sunday in the city was always hard for me, and I would usually fuss around doing nothing, not relaxing and not acheiving anything, perhaps manage some exercise and then hit the haagen-daaz, muffins, and treats about nine and go to bed sad and stressed. Not any more, I went down to the pub for some sunday roast at lunchtime, bumped into an acquantence and his partner and ate with them laughing and joking for hours then got back and had a little rest before a young lady friend of mine came round and we amused ourselves loads til the early hours. I'm frigging jealous of myself man!

I'm sure dealing with your old closet full of emotions in an open, interesting, and safe way will improve most people's perception of themselves and others perception of them too.
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