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17 Posts |
Posted - 06/18/2008 : 14:27:10
I'm new on here. 22 year old Military Guy, In a high stress job. I have been suffering from Chronic Pain on and off, Since 2006. A few months ago I found Dr. Sarno's books, thank heavens.
I really don't know where to start, but here goes. In 2006 I deployed to Afghanistan, and While working out Hurt my Shoulder, was something I could have easily worked through. Quit lifting started running a lot, Ran 9 miles one day, my ankle started hurting 2 days later didn't quit until I returned to the states. Took a break from heavy training, started again in August of 07' was Squatting with a lot of weight, when the top of my back seized up, stopped me from lifting, constantly ached, went to the Chiro, Massage Therapy. Brought minor relief. Pain finally subsided, after a few months.
The latest occurrence was when these things were going on 1) Going through a Divorce that I thought would never be finalized,2) Got put on a Team to go back into the Middle East, Into a Combat Zone, To do something so dangerous I wouldn't even tell my family, 3) Was seeing someone, that from the start I didn't think I was worthy of dating, and I didn't think she'd be around when I got back, 4) Noticed my Hairline was starting to Recede, 5) Started running, and really started to watch what I ate, (To the point of obsession)..Those are the major things at the time.
Here's where the pain hit me, I was on the treadmill, on my 3rd mile when all the sudden my back got this funny feeling on the low left side, I thought it was nothing so I kept running. I got off decided not to do anymore of my workout and went home. Thought about my back, decided to take a few days off, next day felt just funny, then after a few days I went back to the gym, and It still felt funny. Went to the Chiro, Took X-rays, Said I had my 2 lower Vertebrae out of place, But I had strong Bones and Amazing disc space, He adjusted me, (felt slightly better) Then the pain slowly got worse and worse, then got to a 6 (out of 10) and stabilized. I was freaking out, I knew what the doctors would say "Motrin, Naproxen, R.I.C.E, Physical Therapy" and we were 2 weeks before leaving for our training. If I went to the doctor for it, I would have most likely been taken off the team, and When you get taken off a team, everyone looks down on you. It doesn't matter how squared away you are, you look like a **** bag.
So I got over here and Obsessed over my pain, I couldn't think of anything else. I would Google everything on back pain, our team medic, who I spoke with about pain killers, made me go to the Doctor. They gave me Naproxen, and told me not to do anything. I kept Googling back pain, after a month and a half, thats when I found a site that had a e-book about curing back pain, I checked it out, It referenced Sarno. So I bought the books, and have seen myself on the pages.
I have been applying the things, Checking out other recommended reading material. So I did something I figured I'd never do again until I got surgery, I started going to the gym!!!! I was so nervous at first, My shoulder started bothering me again, Assured myself it was Symptom Imperative. Then my pain switched on me every few days, or so. Then all the sudden I was like my wrist feels funny, I didn't do anything, But it feels funny. I started freaking myself out, what if I hurt it and can't lift anymore, then sure enough it was hurting the next day.. I told myself no no I won't quit lifting, Its TMS and I will work through it. I just doubt sometimes that its TMS, and get down on myself.
If anyone made it through this Novel I just wrote, I would love to hear from ya, It's pretty hard cause the dude's I work with are so rough they can't relate to any of this stuff, They don't believe stress and anger can cause pain (I do). It's just hard being in this setting trying to deal with all this, and I could really use the support! Thanks Everyone!
Woodyb |

97 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 00:55:51
Don't get down on yourself Woody. You seem to be doing everything right and if you doubt that you have TMS at all, just read your own words.
Keep up the good work!
27 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 09:05:30
Yea, you are on the right track. You have no reason to doubt. You are strong and healthy. Honestly after you get the information you need, I think its best to STOP thinking about and reading about TMS (anxiety, or whatever you want to call it). You have to have a good sense of humor about it, you have to laugh about every symptom and work right though it. Many of us have gone though what you've gone though, I've had all kinds of different symptoms - but they all have gone away. Personally I think if you have someone you can talk to (friend, family, professional listener :) it helps a lot, you just have to get your stress out on the table and that alone can reduce anxiety levels. Writing about it (in a journal or over the internet) just doesn't cut it for most people, myself included. I just have to talk to my wife about things, and my anxiety levels drop.
p.s. There are lots of guys you work with that are in the same boat as you. Remember "gulf war syndrome"? I'd bet at least 90% of those cases are TMS. The problem is that 90+% of the population (including medical doctors) refuses to believe that mind-body disorders even exist.
292 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 09:17:31
thanks for your service, woody, and congrats on being on your way to recovery! ditto on what odrog said about gulf war syndrome. while not TMS, other problems like PTSD, depression, suicide, etc. are clearly all major effects of "stress and anger", and i think even your tough compadres all know people who are dealing with those issues... TMS is just another way that being in a hellhole can cause negative effects, whether they want to believe it or not.
TMS, the new "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" of military service...  |
327 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 15:02:02
Well I must say thank you for serving our country. Sounds like you have been under a lot of stress, but it sounds like your back is in good condition.
I do the same as you , going back and forth between tms and something structural, I'm a nurse so its hard not to think physical.
I'm new here, but I am so aware of people that have back and neck sx and they still end up having pain, so sx is not an option for me.
The other thing is you have a lot of peer pressure to be a man and just tuff it out, and when people don't have pain, they have a hard time understanding someone else's pain, and most men don't believe about emotions and stress playing a role in the pain.
Like the other writer said, other guys are probably in the same boat but just don't talk about it. |
sensei adam rostocki
167 Posts |
Posted - 06/19/2008 : 15:38:08
Hi Woody, It's good you finally made it over here. I think you might find this place useful to you. Hope you are doing well besides all the TMS...Sensei
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