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 Hayfever as TMS Equivalent
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13 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2008 :  10:09:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all

I'm new to this forum but have been reading the posts for a few months now. I discovered mindbody medicine due to rsi/wrist pain which I've had for about 7 years! Have just read Sarno and Brady and am now going to apply the principles. I'm feeling confident that my symptoms are TMS and that I will beat them!...

However, I'm also keen to see if I can beat hayfever using the same principles. I know a few people here have said that they have gotten rid of hayfever in this way, but I couldn't find much in the way of specifics, e.g. did you consciously try to eradicate hayfever? - or did it just happen whilst you were trying to cure another pain problem? If you did consciously choose to eradicate your hayfever, did you use any positive affirmations, visualisations etc? If so, what were they? I did get a hypnotherapy tape and have listened to it about 3/4 times - this basically puts you into a relaxed state and then encourages you to visualise a hayfever reaction dial which you then turn right down to eliminate symptoms. I haven't had much success yet, but then it is early days! I know I'm not 'allowed' to put a time limit on a cure, even though that is what my perfectionist personality is screaming!

Anyway, if anyone has any specific tips, they would be much appreciated. Considering that hayfever is universally accepted as an over-reaction of the immune system to essentially non-threatening substances, it must be possible to retrain the body not to react in this way?


272 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2008 :  11:46:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Definitely TMS. My allergies were a constant backdrop in my life prior to my knowledge of TMS (although I'm not sure what distractive purpose they served as I never really gave them much thought/worry -- they were probably just a somatic manifestation of certain unconscious worries), but then they virtually disappeared with my other TMS symptoms upon learning about TMS and its equivalents. I do, however, have slight recurrences from time to time that seem to be either remnants of some prior conditioning or indications of certain issues that I have been repressing.

As far as the approach, everyone is different. For me the most important part in the process is ACCEPTING AND BELIEVING that a symptom is truly due to TMS. Reading, writing, meditation/hypnosis, thinking about when the symptoms first started and when they are at their worst AND WHY, etc. are some of the approaches I (and many others) have taken that seem to work quite well. Again, in my case, recovery from a TMS symptom was/is always a function of truly convincing myself that it was/is due to TMS. Thwarting it in the process (so to speak).

Stop thinking about the physical (over reactive immune systems, etc.) and start thinking psychologically (what's going on in your life?, etc.). Also, no harm done in taking some Claritin/Allegra in the meantime. Good luck!


Edited by - mk6283 on 06/11/2008 18:03:25
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490 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2008 :  13:03:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Agree there is emotional cause.

Could check what Louise Hay suggests could be the emotional cause in her book You Can Heal Your Life. And great affirmations to help overcome. I have used the suggestions and overcome various symptoms.
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272 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2008 :  17:59:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree with Lori's advice. Hay may be a good place to look. Her ideas/thoughts have yet to truly resonate with me, but many others have also raved about her work so it may be worth a try. Even though I think that it is impossible to generalize and so many things are truly multifactorial, my opinion is that if it at least gets you started on thinking emotionally rather than physically then its worthwhile no matter what.

Therefore, FYI Rooster,

Hay mentions for allergies:
Probable cause: Who are you allergic to? Denying your own power.
New thought pattern: The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.

Hay mentions for hay fever:
Probable cause: Emotional congestion. Fear of the calendar. A belief in persecution. Guilt.
New thought pattern: I am one with ALL OF LIFE. I am safe at all times.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


Edited by - mk6283 on 06/11/2008 18:05:44
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56 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2008 :  00:15:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ditto to mk6283 ACCEPTING AND BELIEVING that it is TMS, that is THE KEY.

I usually say something like this to my brain: "Get outta here! What? No way, that's ridiculous, I refuse to believe there is anything wrong with my ______________(you fill in the blank).

As long as you doubt, you're screwed. CONFIDENCE. That's why Dr. Sarno keeps stressing proper diagnosis. First he proves to you there's nothing wrong with you. And then he smiles and says "that's ridiculous". Then there's that sigh of relief on your part and all of a sudden the grip is loosened.

Many individuals on this forum have turned off hay fever! You can do it.

Ars Longa Vita Brevis
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13 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2008 :  16:02:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you all! Yes, the Louise Hay book is interesting. I'm not yet convinced by her arguments that specific ailments are caused by specific issues. I think it must vary from individual to individual. But at the very least, she provides a good journaling starting point!
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