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 Dr. Andrew Weil on Dr. Sarno - Calgary article
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307 Posts

Posted - 06/09/2008 :  15:41:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here's an article by Dr. Andrew Weil on Dr. Sarno and back pain from the Calgary Herald:

He says, "I'm convinced that Sarno is right and treatment should be aimed at changing patterns of thinking, feeling and handling stress, all of which have led to the pain."

But then he gives some suggestions for temporary relief, such as relaxation, yoga, bodywork, electrical stimulation, exercise, and massage.



204 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2008 :  03:17:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, at least Weil is acknowledging Sarno, which is very positive! Even if he does't totally "get it," having him validate Sarno's theories will hopefully get more people to accept the mind-body connection to pain.

You are not your mind; you are not your thoughts. The incessant mental noise [of your thoughts] creates a false mind-made self that causes fear and suffering and prevents you from connecting with your true self and living in the Now. - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
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29 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2008 :  07:39:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Maybe soon Canadians will get educated about Sarno. We sure could use some TMS docs up here!
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490 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2008 :  08:46:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Happy to see Dr. Sarno acknowledged.

I had those electric thingies when I had butt pain. Felt good for about 20 minutes then the pain was back.

One of my first exposures to Dr. Sarno was in one of Dr. Weil's books, Spontaneous Healing. Talked about a person with a SHATTERED disc who had no more pain after a visit and work with Dr. Sarno. That was when I began to feel hopeful after diagnosis of doom from orthopedist!

Thanks for sharing the article.

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204 Posts

Posted - 06/10/2008 :  12:02:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by mizlorinj

Happy to see Dr. Sarno acknowledged.

I had those electric thingies when I had butt pain. Felt good for about 20 minutes then the pain was back.

One of my first exposures to Dr. Sarno was in one of Dr. Weil's books, Spontaneous Healing. Talked about a person with a SHATTERED disc who had no more pain after a visit and work with Dr. Sarno. That was when I began to feel hopeful after diagnosis of doom from orthopedist!

Thanks for sharing the article.


I like the way you phrased that "diagnosis of doom." That's what they give us most of the time, isn't it? Wonderful for morale....

You are not your mind; you are not your thoughts. The incessant mental noise [of your thoughts] creates a false mind-made self that causes fear and suffering and prevents you from connecting with your true self and living in the Now. - Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
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371 Posts

Posted - 06/11/2008 :  07:07:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah that is what they give us at times, but its up to us whether or not to take what they're giving!!
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