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195 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 14:14:43
How is everyone doing? I am not sure if anyone here remembers me but I do get emails here and there from people asking me for advice to cure them. I am a patient of Dr. Sarno and he cured my sciatic and back pain I am now 23 years old. I recently made a call to Sarno and he recommended one of his therapists to me I asked him if hypochondria, and anxiety were a symptom of TMS because to be honest I have to refreshmy memory its been awhile.
Anyway he explained to me yes come see my therapist; however, i had to decline because they are way to expensive. Now I am so obsessed with my health and I always think I have cancer. I cant help it and it is ruining my life. I recently started to suffer from panic attacks, my heart feels like its going to explode, i get dizzy, i feel out of body, i shake, etc the worst experience of my life and i am so afraid.
I started seeing a therapist that my insurance companny covers and they told me I suffer from anxiety. I even got a ekg and echocardiogram to make sur emy heart wasnt causing this and they came out perfect. I also had blood work done and except for a little minor abnormalities my doctor said I am fine nothing to worry about.
Everyday I go online and look up symptoms and it is truly ruining my life. Sarno explained to me this is a symptom of tms. Has anyone had experience with hypochondria and panic attacks? Im afraid i have a serious illness but my doctors tell me i dont. I still want to get a ct scan of my head and endoscopy but my doctor said not to its anxiety stop worrying. I cant help it . the panic attacks come out of no where it truly feels like there is something wrong with me but when i look online of the symptoms of panic it describes me.
i obsess over something new every single day. Today while looking at my blood test my white blood cell count is 17 supposed to be between 20-something else so its low. Now i am worrying about cancer. im obsessed! please i hope someone can relate to me. |
United Kingdom
173 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 17:19:17
I suffer from Health Anxiety. I had an unrelated health scare about a year ago and at the same time was going through quite a stressful period. After a week of getting the all clear on the health scare I woke one morning to a plethora of weird and scary physical sensations, these include: muscular twitching and jerking, a body wide vibrating/buzzing sensation, a spaced out feeling, feeling unsteady and dizzy, muscle and joint aches and pains etc etc.
I have seen many GP's and a neurologist and all have diagnosed me with anxiety....the problem is that I am actually convinced that I actually have Multiple Sclerosis and that this is being missed by my doctors...I did actually have an ALS terror but managed to beat this.
Whilst I understand the anxiety explanation as time has gone by and as I have researched the subject more I have become convinced that my symptoms are actually somatised due to general unhappiness and fear in my life.
I do believe that when there are issues in our lives that the mind wants to suppress it will 'convert' these harmful thoughts into physical sensations that means we no longer dwell on the spiritual side of our lives but instead become totally preocupied and obsessed about our bodies instead.
As I mentioned, this has been going on for a year for me now and some days I feel OK but then as is the norm, a new symptom will appear that will try and put me back to square one...almost like as the old symptoms are no longer working then the mind has to conjure up something new!
This mind/body relationship is a bag of monkeys once you start to look into it. |

114 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 20:46:04
quote: Originally posted by Jena i obsess over something new every single day. Today while looking at my blood test my white blood cell count is 17 supposed to be between 20-something else so its low. Now i am worrying about cancer. im obsessed!
quote: Originally posted by pan ...the problem is that I am actually convinced that I actually have Multiple Sclerosis and that this is being missed by my doctors..
I've been convinced that I have cancer, heart disease - some type of systemic or metabolic disorder that can't be diagnosed, etc. Over the past month, severe chest pain drove me to an evaluation by cardiologist and an echo-stress test - which all came back normal - but I'm still convinced that there is something wrong!
152 Posts |
Posted - 06/07/2008 : 22:45:06
Fear not!! Or, at least understand that fear and anxiety are definately TMS and likely to be nothing else. I have had the same obsessions as you which started in my 20's and continued on for 2 decades. I'm about to turn 44 and I'm fine! I've had some really strange and uncomfortable symptoms over the years which always went unexplained. I saw a therapist for over a year that really helped me a lot with these issues. It was/is definately TMS. Whatever emotions that caused your original TMS probably morphed into this. Just try to keep the focus emotional and shift from the physical. You are so fortunate to have discovered Sarno this early.
2 other simple suggestions which help types like us w/"medical anxiety" are to choose doctors who are sympathetic and patient about it (they ARE out there.) I will come right out and admit to them that I have anxiety about my health and ask them to please be patient w/me. Also, stay away from looking things up on the internet. This is hard but very important. Just think, "How often do I find information that reassures me? How often do I find information that scares the crap out of me?" It is almost always the latter of the two.
Good luck.
Nor |
385 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 08:58:21
Hi, Jena,
quote: Everyday I go online and look up symptoms and it is truly ruining my life.
Nearly everyone I know with anxiety does this, and it is the absolute worst thing you can do. Anxiety is intense fear that manifests in the body, so the symptoms are fear-based, and the only thing that perpetuates them is more fear, which you now provide in response to the symptoms you got from fearing whatever was happening in your life before the symptoms hit. It is a cyclical relationship that can be stopped at any time you choose. The body will still send you symptoms for a time yet due to its state of overstimulation and stress hormone level. Stand up to fear and fear stands down. You had to do this to get over TMS, so just due it again.
A book that will help you understand what you are feeling is Claire Weekes' Hope and Help for Your Nerves. There are free mp3 downloads at as well as an inspirational story from a man whose back pain (diagnosed as scoliosis by a chiropractor who told him a grim tale) led to an eight-year battle with agoraphobia. Listen to the docs. They see this all day every day. Anxiety feels serious, but it isn't. It's only your body's built-in stress response on steroids because of your level of nervous stimulation and stress hormones. The next time you feel the urge to visit one of those medical websites, just repeat to yourself over and over that it is like asking for symptoms. |
Edited by - Hillbilly on 06/09/2008 09:30:32 |
United Kingdom
173 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 09:50:47
quote: Originally posted by Hillbilly
Hi, Jena,
quote: Everyday I go online and look up symptoms and it is truly ruining my life.
Nearly everyone I know with anxiety does this, and it is the absolute worst thing you can do. Anxiety is intense fear that manifests in the body, so the symptoms are fear-based, and the only thing that perpetuates them is more fear, which you now provide in response to the symptoms you got from fearing whatever was happening in your life before the symptoms hit. It is a cyclical relationship that can be stopped at any time you choose. The body will still send you symptoms for a time yet due to its state of overstimulation and stress hormone level. Stand up to fear and fear stands down. You had to do this to get over TMS, so just due it again.
A book that will help you understand what you are feeling is Claire Weekes' Hope and Help for Your Nerves. There are free mp3 downloads at as well as an inspirational story from a man whose back pain (diagnosed as scoliosis by a chiropractor who told him a grim tale) led to an eight-year battle with agoraphobia. Listen to the docs. They see this all day every day. Anxiety feels serious, but it isn't. It's only your body's built-in stress response on steroids because of your level of nervous stimulation and stress hormones. The next time you feel the urge to visit one of those medical websites, just repeat to yourself over and over that it is like asking for symptoms.
Being a regular on various anxiety forums due to my health anxiety I just wanted to state how crucial this point is!! Time and time again people are concerned that they are getting these weird physical sensations even though they no longer 'feel' you correctly highlight it can take a lengthy period for a stressed and fatigued nervous system to reset itself. The quicker we accept and stop interpreting these sensations the quicker recovery will be. |
1397 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 14:17:34
quote: i obsess over something new every single day.
Do you sound familiar to yourself? First it was pain, now it is other symptoms.
These are equivalents and are a sign that you need to deal with the emotions that are coming up that originally caused TMS pain.
It's not that important whether you are diagnosed with TMS or anxiety. The solution is pretty much the same either way. Stop letting the obsessions obsess you. Let go of the obsessive thoughts, focus on the emotional causes, and try to return to normal life.
-- It's not 100% belief that's required, but 100% commitment. |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 14:33:06
I appreciate everyone for responding. I made a promise to myself that I would no longer look up online my symptoms it just makes me worse. I've diagnosed myself with sleep apnea, brain tumor, MS, and cancer. I know how ridiculous this sounds especially at my age but my symptoms are so strong sometimes. I know me of all people should be able to overcome this hypochondriasis and anxiety especially since I healed myself of back pain years ago. My biggest problem is going to sleep. I have insomnia and when I do fall asleep I get this strange sensation in my stomach and chest. I feel out of body at times. I know these are classic signs of anxiety I just have to stop jumping to the conclusion I have a brain tumor. (my father and grandmother had one) So i automatically assume I do to but my doctors don't think I should even get a ct scan for it and they then prescribed me anxiety pills lol
FEAR is so important when it comes to TMS and i realize that more and more every day. I fear disease constantly and the TMS sees this as a way in and starts producing symptoms.. My brain knows not to touch my back because I can get rid of that pain lol
Hillbilly that book by Claire Weekes you told me about I actually just started reading it and it does help. My mother suffered from panic attacks when she was younger and just passed the book on to me. I just have to keep reminding myself I dont have anything serious Ive been to the doctor its TMS anxiety can produce some crazy symptoms and let it flow through me. ugh TMS! |
666 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 21:54:25
Jena--I have been suffering from the same thing(hypochonria) for most of my life, but it has worsened in recent years (I'm now 54). I think I have made significant progress in keeping it at bay the past year, but I'm sure I will have to deal with it on some level forever. That's okay as long as 1)I'm aware it is only hypochondria, not some real condition and 2)can therefore keep it at a very manageable level.
I have so much else to say about it, but one bit of advice I can give you that I know works is this: DO NOT RESEARCH SYMPTOMS ON THE INTERNET OR HANG OUT IN CHATROOMS WHERE OTHERS DWELL ON THEIR SYMPTOMS. I have made great progress from this one step.
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/10/2008 : 11:10:33
Lastnight I started rereading The Divided Mind and I could not believe what I had read. He writes Most people who cure their back pain move on to anxiety and hypochondriasis! I could not believe how he hit it on the head like that! I feel so much better knowing 100% that its TMS I wasnt to sure till I read that. Now I know I will be healed because I have healed myself before. I am so happy about this. The symptoms are still here but I know this takes time. The most important factor in the healing process is the leap of faith you must take and believe 100% its TMS. If you have a small amount of doubt it will not work. I believe I am conditioned to have a panic attack when I sleep because it always happens at night when Im not distracted. I get this strange sensations through out my body and my head I feel like im actually out of body its horrible. TMS is so tricky it can effect your entire body including your mind.
Thanks for the advice I am not going online EVER to look up my symptoms anymore. Someone should ban webmd. seriously. lol thanks everyone hope to hear from you soon |
385 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 08:16:01
quote: He writes Most people who cure their back pain move on to anxiety and hypochondriasis
But he also states that 80% of his patients had stress-related maladies in their history, which suggests that anxiety was a part of their lives long before pain. This is also the fact that he sites that led him to look at psychology as being the cause.
What is the case with you, Jena? Were you a worrying, hypervigilent type before the onset of pain?
And I agree with Alexis that there are many who had doubts and still recovered. I had to completely reject all of my "unconscious brain, inner child in a blind rage, distraction" thinking and really assess honestly what had caused me so much frustration and unhappiness, and it was plain old simple fear.
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 16:42:54
To be honest I might of been a worrier of other things but on a scale 1-10 it was a 4. It is now a 10. The scariest symptom is shortness of breath which he discusses in his book as well. I was a worrier but not a hypochondriac and I didn't suffer with anxiety I had a lot of back pain. Now I'm suffering from anxiety big time. After I read though that after people cure their back pain and start developing hypochondriasis I was so happy and made the full leap to tms. I havent had a panic attack since. Tms is so smart. I still find it hard to breath though sometimes which scares me so much. I'll just have to cure it with time. Panic is so extremely horrible. By far the scariest thing I've ever dealt with. |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/11/2008 : 16:54:20
Have you ever experienced anxiety, panic, or anything I've mentioned? |
511 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2008 : 10:17:01
My 16 year old daughter has anxiety attacks, and our doctor that does naturopathic and allopathic medicine gave her these to try that seem to help: Ashawanga (herb-twice daily), Nervoheel (homeopathic) and Rescue remedy. He also reccomends meditation, and keeps Dr.Sarno's books in a library that he lends out. My my daughter is looking for a magic bullet. I know these only treat the symptoms, but may help on the short term. |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/15/2008 : 10:35:05
I've also tried valerian root for sleeping. I believe the cure is coming for your daughter by following sarno.
Also how does soneone get a homeopathic doctor and does insurance cover it? |
327 Posts |
Posted - 06/16/2008 : 16:48:18
I'm just read a good book and am rereading it now "The Worry Cure", got it from the library, . I have been a worry wart all my life (just like my Mom) and this book explanins why we worry. He talks a lot abot hypochrodriac behavior in it. Just thought I'd pass it on. |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/16/2008 : 20:09:00
thank u so much lovetosew! Im going to go to the library and get that book this week. Did it help you to stop worrying? |
327 Posts |
Posted - 06/17/2008 : 09:44:52
Yes it really help me see worry in a different light, like how foolish it is to worry about "what if" and also it explains some reasons about why some people worry more than others. I felt it was a very helpful book and I have read several books about anxiety and worry but this one in my opinion was the best on worry. |
27 Posts |
Posted - 06/17/2008 : 13:45:42
Knowledge therapy is the answer/cure/solution for this just like it was for your back pain. Herbs, alternative medicine, drugs are not the answer for anxiety - often they just make things worse because even minor side effects from any so called "treatment" will only increase your level of anxiety. Unfortunately Sarno doesn't talk much about these types of symptoms. I strongly recommend Lucinda Bassett's "Attacking Anxiety" program. You might find it at your local library.
I went though what you are going though and personally know several other people that have as well. |
195 Posts |
Posted - 06/18/2008 : 19:38:08
thank you for all the book recomendations. I know sarno briefly talks about anxiety and panic. i worry so much about health the "unknown" do i have cancer do i have a brain tumor do i do i do !
it drives me crazy and ruins my life to be blunt about it. i know there is help for this and i have been getting it i cant live like this |
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