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kenny V

268 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2008 :  09:21:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I also just wanted to remind everyone of one other important point to keep in mind: people around the world are living longer and more healthier lives than ever before. Mortality ages are at all time highs and the world's population has never been greater. These FACTS are clearly attributable to the many wonderful advances in medicine over the last 100 years (vaccines being a major one). Sure we can be critics, sure we can think outside the box, but let's stay grounded and honest at the same time.

Have a great weekend everyone!

This statement is farthest from the truth

Sure science in the medical community has come a long way; we can do some procedures that have never even been thought of 10- 20 years ago. Every day we are developing better ways to fix up/ repair our deteriorating bodies that commonly fail to our ill health. Yea we are even capable modifying and taking away parts of our body we don’t want due to neglect overrating, not exercising to live a natural healthy life style.

Yea modern man is smart what he could do now. But he is also poisoning the earth our bodies which in fact contributes to our health in the modern society that we live in. Every thing now is genetically modified; synthetic made of additives, chemicals and no longer holds much nutritional value. If you get the real statistics you will see many people are actually chronically sick live lives dependant on drugs, and procedures. Now look at the age of people who are having these done. Better or worse? Heart Bypasses, cardiovascular and a host of Cancer treatments. Look at the age of people who need these compare it to 20 years ago. How bout your family does they look healthy are they also dependent on drugs/ procedures to keep them going. Now go to a Nursing Home “you think they are happy and healthy.” Let me ask one Q how many Jack LaLanes do you know?

Here is where you can tell
Please look at the #1 # 2 cause of death. Than study what causes them and perhaps you may change your tune on how healthy we actually are. Please read hundreds of sources of good medical statistics taken from reliable resources not just some time magazine article or the pharmaceutical published journals. There are many published articles that are from reputable medical research groups that are NOT FUNDED BY BIG PHARMA that have accurate data in what you are referring to.
Just because you read this same journalistic “claim” that we are living longer due to advances in medicine, drugs does not make it true. That’s is simply a paid for add campaign.

Vaccines I don’t want even want to go there search the archive and read what I wrote on the topic after 8 years of research. Bottom line is That is the biggest lie yet told to our wealthy societies today. They use “scare tactics” to PROGRAM THE PUBLIC to believe it has stopped every plague disease and sickness which is the furthest from the truth. For this people are SOLD THAT IS “TRUTH”
Search its history of introduction to the medical community. Look at the timelines and the statistics with on going disease and you will DISCOVER Its has been covered up. Btw We DO HAVE ADVERSE REATIONS, it is real and happens to people EVERY DAY Just you won’t hear about it on the evening news. Sad but true Bottom line is there is no scientific data that supports the claims. Humans have become the big experiment. Look at what has happened to our military solders and the worst is the major vaccine manufactures no longer have any liability to the public as they are covered from law sites and medical claims backed up by our federal government.

That’s the most dangerous part when you have ANY institutions that have NO LIABILITY. Please think about what that means. WHO is protected from harm then? How could this be with something that is supposed to protect us? Btw protection against this was also written in "The Patriot Act" after 911, lots of history behind vaccines you not even aware of .

. Perhaps Then look at the #1 #2 medical procedures that are performed and you will see where all the money is going and why. Of course to help get people better live longer healthy lives. That Is so funny , but why are we so sick in the first place.

Sure sometimes we can prolong some of the aging process if we elect to do all these procedures, have operations, go for treatments etc… but what make us so sick in the first place as those are alternatives last resorts to the damage we already inflicted on our body .Yes even with the most advanced medical procedures known to mankind we are still the fattest sickest, depressed, chronic, sick ill people in the word.

LOOK AT THE YOUNG AND THE OLD We have sickness and many conditions that didn’t even exist yet 20 years ago Cancer I up 30 fold in children in the past 5 years. One of every 6 children will develop a medical condition, learning disability or a neurological disorder. One out of every nine will have asthma. Highest rates of diabetes among children in years. Hello something is happening. Now look at the elderly with MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc… Sorry as far as Americans we are not doing well at all. Other countries do not have the rates we have. Whats going on? do your homework before you make such a claim.

Get better, please educate and inform your self, protect your self from danger and stay healthy.
Yes have a good weekend. After Finnish up here at work IM going out for a 6 mile run, something now I enjoy doing again after 22 years of pain - 5 years of chronic pain. Btw I could not even walk just a few years ago now im living again like when I was 20 years old thanks to Dr Sarno and many other reading resources.My Best

Kenny v

Always Hope For Recovery
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kenny V

268 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2008 :  10:10:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hott 8oh wrote:

I appreciate your story. I've been in chronic pain for 7 years. This year I've experienced the worst physical pain I've ever been in and I almost applied for disability. I just bought "Divided Mind" and I will start reading it today, but there's this part of my brain that thinks, "How can reading a book cure 7 years of chronic back pain? Pain that pain killers, physical therapy, exercise, and chiropractic couldn't cure?

Understand Im sorry spent all my time writing my last post replying to that statement, “people around the world are living longer and more healthier lives than ever before.” As I should have invested it with a fellow TMS er in pain.
Anyway you can and will get better if you want to, learn your condition and re- learn what you can do or what you have done that didn’t work. Trust your and your own research, take you medical condition in your own hands and start to do the work. . Its NOT easy but once you get some relief you will realize how powerful the mind is. Your body has the ability to combat pain but also the ability to create it. You need to get out of old methodologies that taught you your condition is physical. The auto immune system is very complex it can protect you from the outside world but also in Auto pilot can cause allot of havoc if you are not aware hat is going on.

Sarno said "Information is the medicine" or I think he said the penicillin to healing your condition.
Remember your brain is a chemical factory ..just need to tap into the right ones that make ya feel good again


" I'm in a big tug of war with my mind over whether or not this is physical or psychological. Both scenarios are valid to me, and I have some pretty good evidence that there is nothing wrong with me physically, but I still have doubts. I'm still working on getting my mindset in the right direction.

I have hope that if you can be cured after 22 years of pain, then I can be cured after 7 years of pain.

Yes mindset is most important. First thing is not to be on the fence. You have to settle ALL the doubts in the mind so that you can take the next steps in getting better. Reading the materials can be helpful, so is the support and testimonies. I guess that’s what the forum is for, to get some support to get started, But you must do it for yourself know one else can do the real work. . Connect the dots to YOUR condition, inform your self, be honest and learn to work on making changes from past Life style. Something went wrong that needs to be repaired and change is required. My biggest repressed emotion was anger that I had to deal with. . My biggest enemy is/ was myself from my critical nature in the way I look at things. I was hard on myself causing much pain in things I had no control over

It’s a process, don’t beat yourself up learn to honest with your self and become authentic. You may have to change something you don’t like about yourself, but that will be for the better. Celebrate every milestone and learn to enjoy life again.

My best

Kenny V

Always Hope For Recovery
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114 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2008 :  13:06:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by southpaw
I don't claim to know what it's like to live with type 2 but it is for the most part preventable and controllable through better eating habits and exercise. If it gets really out of control then insulin has to be used.

Last month, over the course of 2 or 3 weeks, a friend of mine experienced his health spiral out of control, fatigue, vision problems, extreme thirst - he was finally admitted to the ER with a blood sugar of 1600! He almost died. He was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and he is now on insulin.

He is normal weight, never smoked - he exercised regularly, had a regular running schedule, was health-conscious in his diet etc. He had none of the lifestyle factors for type II diabetes.

Best of health to you and your family

Edited by - mcone on 06/07/2008 13:14:02
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386 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2008 :  17:32:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have to agree wth Kenny V. I am not seeing where people are healthier, living better lives. Mty grandma has RA, I have 3 aunts, one has MS, one had MS and Diabetes, and the other has kindney problems. My mom is on lie 25 different drugs for diabetes, anxiety, acid reflux, high blood pressure. My uncle has a serious heart condition. Kenny, wjat's that all sound like. Kind of sounds like heavy metal toxicity, aye? It won't get me.

Makes you wonder how people used to live with out vaccines and prescriptions. I guess they are doing cradle to grave marketing, get'em while they are a baby, and let em develop something that you have the drug for.

I can't believe we are brainwashed. I can't believe just about ever ad on tv is about a drug, that I can't just go buy, it has to be prescribed to me. I bet people used to be so much healthier.
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