When putting your chin to your chest, pain in the low back. It was back this morning when sitting. I attributed it to tight muscles and did step aerobics and forgot about it. Just wondering if anyone else has ever felt this. A few weeks ago I told the chiropractor about it. She said it was indicative of a hernaited disc. I no longer go to the chiropractor.
I should'nt speak for him since he's a member here, but if I'm not mistaken, "sensei adam rostocki" speaks of having had this exact symptom in his book. Perhaps shoot him an e-mail.
I used to have the same thing when I was suffering real bad from low back pain. I was real scared at what was happening to my body. In fact there were several occasions when a simple act like combing my hair or rubbing shampoo would cause upper back and neck spasms. I was so miserable and would immediately stop everything and lie down.
When I learned about TMS i was able to ignore it and it would go away very quickly.