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2 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2006 : 17:43:51
I've had some amazing success recently and have received alot of help from this forum. So I thought I would join and tell everyone about it.
About 2 months ago I started getting difficulty breathing. It turned out to be Asthma and attributed to food allergies. I had recently lost about 40 pounds through non dieting and had pretty much conquered the weight loss thing once and for all. I somehow got caught up in the idea that this really could be food allergies until I remembered Dr Sarno's book and read some of the entries on this board.
So I bought the video and last week watched it. By the middle of the second tape I could breath clearly again and it's been gradually going away ever since. I really understand now looking back that my brain probably needed another distraction instead of the obsession with my weight once I had lost it. Because I had always been concerned about allergies as I worked in a natural food store for years, it was easy for me to buy into the fact that I could have them also, but now as I look closer I can see that the food allergy think is the latest disease craze and it has become quite fashionable to be allergic to dairy and wheat. Plus I have had chronic bronchitis from time to time so it was easy to assume the antibodies would attack my lungs.
I had used Sarno's book in the past to cure, Sciatica, and shoulder pain and it has been the most important tool I've used for my health.
Anyway I'm thrilled that I may actually be able to eat the shortbread cookies at Christmas again. Thank you Dr Sarno
1516 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2006 : 18:31:19
Great post! Good for you..:) Interestingly I am in the early phases of getting some extra weight off..And, a pattern I have noticed is that when my weight is up, the allergy to dairy brings on near asthma..something called hyperactive airway syndrome..It started when i gained 50 pounds after losing my parents 16 years ago, never had it b4 that..WHen i am thin, it goes away, completely..I have TMS in the neck, sometimes back and knee..but never really thought of my breathing issues or allergies as potential TMS..I do believe that dairy is horrific for the human body and creates alot of mucous..I thought that was why I would get bronchial issues after consuming alot of it, only when overweight..Who knows, TMS takes MANY forms..The most important thing in your case, however, is that you are well! Tell me, how did you go about losing your weight? GOd bless, Karen |
New Zealand
198 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2006 : 19:12:08
That's wonderful Koan!
I'm tagging this as a SuccessStory so others can find it by searching. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2006 : 22:04:34
Singer, Losing weight was a long process, took me years to finally do it right. Turns out it was not a food issue, but a process of learning to love myself by changing my beliefs about food, and how I wanted to feel after eating it. Involved visualization, allowing myself to eat whatever I wanted and only eating when I was really really hungry. Turns out that often this was just once a day when I really questioned it.
The process I have to thank the most for my weightloss is "The Work" of Byron Katie at I questioned my thoughts about whether I was really hungry, how overeating would make me feel after, and how I would feel if I didn't overeat and pretty much changed my beliefs. I finished losing the weight about three months ago and since I have never ever wanted to overeat or harm my body by eating improperly. Byron Katie says that our body is just a slave to our thinking, so it makes sense with the food allergies as well.
686 Posts |
Posted - 12/05/2006 : 23:13:27
Koan said: Byron Katie says that our body is just a slave to our thinking...
Hmmm, where have I heard that before? -Stryder |
1516 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2006 : 06:53:55
Thanx Koan, I find myself once again at the starting gate with this weight thing..But one must start sometime..I have been up and down numerous times and it can be frustrating..I am happy for you that you have gotten to your goal and it inspires me..:) I also enjoyed reading excerpts from Bryon Katie's book..appreciate your sharing them.. Blessings, Karen |
United Kingdom
879 Posts |
Posted - 12/06/2006 : 16:52:48
Many thanks for posting your success story, Koan.
quote: now as I look closer I can see that the food allergy think is the latest disease craze and it has become quite fashionable to be allergic to dairy and wheat.
My thoughts precisely, even before I knew about Sarno. I was furious when I then "succumbed" to the dairy one (especially as I love cheese!) Then I found out about TMS and was able to defeat the allergies, too. Yippee!
Hilary N |
559 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 10:22:53
Well - I have to say that I have gone backwards in this area, folks.
I am totally convinced that my body hates coffee. The shame is that I love it. I have gone back to doing a version of the blood type diet - taking wheat/dairy/coffee out. I feel a litte depressed without my coffee. For the first time in months, I am sleeping well. I remember that being the case last time I gave up coffee. The thing is that I only drank one cup a day in the morning. How on earth can that affect my sleep so badly.
My insomnia has been replaced by a dull sort of headache throughout the day. This has to be TMS
Do you think that giving up coffee is a placebo?? |
559 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 10:56:47
I was doing so well in eating all the things I had not eaten in so many years.
My skin has never been so clear and glowing. I just think this could still be a placebo.
I hate restricting myself but I desperately needed sleep |
1397 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 12:57:20
Caffeine is a drug and people do have different reactions to it. You might be pretty sensitive to it. Some people get tired from it. Others have no reaction at all. It's kind of like having a head for alcohol. It could still be just a placebo, but I think it could be legitimate, too.
Is drinking decaf an option, or is it the caffeine you love?
-- Wherever you go, there you are. |
Mary Ann
42 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 13:17:52
quote: Originally posted by Suz
Do you think that giving up coffee is a placebo??
Entirely possible. It happened to me. I had chronic insomnia for years and I only ever drank one or two cups a day. I gave it up and I could sleep. When I overcame my food issues, I started drinking coffee again, and I could still sleep, so I think giving up the caffeine was a placebo. (I didn't drink it for over 2 years).
That said, if it's working for now stay with it. You probably need the sleep more than you "need" coffee. When you overcome whatever is contributing to your insomnia (mine is usually stress-related) start back on coffee. Just try to frame this as a temporary fix (like taking an asprin to take the edge off the pain) and not a deprivation of coffee. If you fixate too much on having to give up something you love, you just give TMS the distraction it is seeking!
Good luck.
And to the OP, Koan: fantastic and thanks for sharing your success. Mary Ann |
559 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 15:48:06
Interesting Mary Ann - I think I will continue not drinking coffee.
How did you overcome the food issues? did you slowly ease in and take it one food group at a time.
I was obssessed with the blood type diet for years and avoided so many foods. I hate the restrictions and desperately want to believe that it is all a nocebo reaction |
1516 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 21:54:33
I wish that not eating dairy were a placebo for me because I love cheese too! But, when I eat cow dairy (not goat) I get alot of mucous which then negatively affects my singing voice, not to mention packs on the pounds..I think that some people do have legitimate food allergies.. God bless, Karen |
Wavy Soul
779 Posts |
Posted - 12/07/2006 : 23:30:56
yeah - I have to say that the cow dairy thing affects me too, even though I have bouts of believing it doesn't (yet I still get mucusy).
I can handle some goat dairy, but do REALLY well with sheep cheese. A good sheep feta or, yum yum, sheep BRIE which they have at Whole-paycheck Foods is such a delicious treat.
I also avoid wheat. I just seem to do better without it.
But this evening I had all of it in a restaurant, yum.
Love is the answer, whatever the question |
Mary Ann
42 Posts |
559 Posts |
Posted - 12/08/2006 : 10:55:36
Oh dear - forgive me, Mary anne - thanks v, much for all your help. I will read your previous posts. Short term memory! |
1397 Posts |
Posted - 02/14/2007 : 13:26:23
So now I am wondering about what I wrote about caffeine. I haven't had much caffeine for the last few years, except a period in late 2003 where I drank black tea most days. More recently I have drunk soda and coffee occasionally. At first I just noticed that caffeine had a stronger effect on me and too much could make me jumpy. That is normal for caffeine and drugs in general, also for me specifically, and not a big issue. It seemed to mostly go away after getting more re-accustomed.
However, now I can't even have an occasional coffee or soda without feeling shaky and ill (sick to my stomach, though I don't throw up). I haven't had much in the way of TMS manifestations lately (just a little upper back stuff, here and there) and have probably slacked off on journaling, etc. So it could be TMS & nocebo. Or it could just be a changing reaction to caffeine. Therein lies the dilemma. However, I kind of want to give up caffeine anyway, I just don't want to be doing it for the wrong reasons.
Any thoughts?
-- Wherever you go, there you are. |
38 Posts |
Posted - 02/14/2007 : 13:50:48
Perhaps your body is trying to tell you something. If it were me, I'd listen and be done with it.
If only everyone were so lucky, perhaps millions upon millions of people wouldn't be addicted to caffeine. (You know, the ones who just *have* to have their coffee in the morning to function.)
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