I am finally convincing myself more and more that it is NOT structural...One of the ways is realizing that since my neck seems to tighten and then later loosen again it can't be bones moving in and out of place so easily...It has to be psychologically based...I mean the body is just not that fragile, although i have felt that way in the past 3 weeks since this recent bout began..The tightness in the upper occiput of my neck loosened this morning and now it is coming back..HMM...trying to think what is going on inside for me right now? What is the real issue..Could it be talking to my ex fiance on the phone for my bday yesterday? I wouldn't be surprised a bit...
Wow! It sounds like things are coming together for you. You are seeing how the TMS works. It is great to hear. Continued good wishes for your progress.
thank you so much ArmchairL...I am trying and quite determined...It changes alot from minute to minute..I have to stop typing for awhile and lay down cuz it "SEEMS" like when i am stretching my arms out typing things start to tighten up again and i lose range of motion in my neck..I still cannot look up at all...and still haven't released the fear surrounding that...Even from a year and a half ago, i never regained full range of motion looking up..So part of me is scared i will end up losing even more mobility in that area after this recent bout..Hope not..I so appreciate your support!