Hi, I am wondering if any of you other TMS followers have hamstring that get sore easily. With my back pain I don't do any extremely active things like running, but I do keep active with walking and doing yardwork around the house. My problem is every time I do something that invloves my hamstrings slightly they become extremely sore for the next couple days which increases my back pain. Sitting on the floor installing baseboard or walks up a steep hill are examples of what can cause my extreme soreness. It seems like something happens like this once a month. I could understand if I had not done anything active for a while and then went running or somethings. A month ago I started to lift weights again and the soreness I felt after that is mild compared to the pain I currently have in my hamstrings. I feel like I ran a marathon. Anyone else experience something similar?
I too have had chronic soreness in my right hamstring for years. Lately, even though training for a marathon it has been much better. It may well be tms.
I'm surprised your hamstring bother you running up a steep hill; that should be more of a quads issue.
Well I don't know that I would call it chronic soreness because it is not sore all the time. What puzzles me is that I did something this weekend which I guess would cause most people mild soreness, but my hamstrings were extremely sore. So you'd think that such activity would condition them so that the next time I did something similar (within a reasonable timeframe) I would not be sore or I would be less sore.