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195 Posts |
Posted - 02/15/2006 : 20:43:13
Hello, I just thought i would tell everyone how ive been doing since my last visit with sarno 3 weeks ago... ive been 95% better! i mean just feeling a little better proves that sarno is right and it is not a theory its a fact that this is happening so no one give up i feel that his success rate would be 100% instead of 95% i think the 5% arent trying hard enough perhaps...or there minds are more stubborn then others but dont give up! ive been running and jump roping and sit ups in my gym class in school... sciatica has been 100% gone! yup. gone! i dont know if you remember my posts from many months ago but i am doing a lot better... ive been diagnosed with tms incase new comers arent sure of who i am... the bad news is that the last few days including right now i am getting a painful sensation in my buttocks and occasionally down my leg.. the last day i was at gym i had to lay flat on my back and lift my legs up and that is MY WORST POSITION THAT I HAVE BEEN AVOIDING FOR 2 YEARS! for some strange reason this exact position almost never fails puts me into a spasm and i am unable to do anything but cry... when i spoke to sarno i felt that he knew exactly what i was talking about but then i speak to people who are in pain and cannot relate to this extreme buttock and leg pain its like literally im being stabbed... i dont mean the kind of pain where ah this sucks im in pain.. when my back "goes out" Sarno doesnt like that phrase but when this change of state in muscle or nerve happens i am in a lot of pain and it always happens when i apply a lot of pressure to my tailbone.....i have gym class tomorrow again and we have to run almost 2 miles without stopping and i know i can do it! but i am not 100% cured yet but i know i will one day and so will you people because dont get me wrong these last few weeks have been great! its just nice to hear peoples feedback also... Sarno is def right and you know what i havent been reading the book that much as i was supposed to because of studying , homework, classes, and my job but ill get back into reading soon... so it is probably my fault.. thank u for listening
-jena |
Special One

61 Posts |
Posted - 02/16/2006 : 20:46:55
Hi! I'm curious as to what an appointment with Dr. Sarno is like. Does he do specific tests for diseases or just talk with you? What is his personality like. Is he easy to talk to, motivational, caring, old, wise, happy? I don't think I will ever actually have an appointment with him, I am basically self-diagnosed, but it would be nice to hear it from a pro. Just how does he determine that a person has tms? Also, how do people think and act when they have tms and something physical that is not tms, say they are in a wheelchair for paralysis or have something else that prevents them from resuming normal physical activity? It just seems that as much as I am trying the tms approach, I just haven't been able to resume normal crouching and other activities with my left knee being symptomatic (grinding and feeling a bit "off" when I straighten my leg). I'm thinking it might not be tms. Certain symptoms have improved though, so I definitely agree with the tms theory (shoulder, neck, ankle, SI joint). Anyway, I am really interested in comments about the details of a visit with Sarno. Thanks! |
195 Posts |
Posted - 02/17/2006 : 21:23:10
what sarno did for me was asked me alot of questions about my life... my past and then did a physical examination he applied his fingers on certain tendons or ligaments on my body and if they were painful he said it was a good thing because tms patients always have pain there..i even brought my mri and he wasnt interesteed he just read the paper it came with and said no way u should be in this much pain from a bulging disc...his personality... is great hes actually really funny.. very nice and sincere.
he of course makes sure that there is nothing seriously wrong also.. his lecture that i went to for 2 hours was very encouraging because i sat with about 20 other people in excrutiating pain .. one women had muscle atraphe from day she saw sarno and then it was completely gone in one week... its inspiring being there ... i wish i could just take him home with me haha..
my advice to you is keep reading and re reading his book and journaling is very important... As Sarno says "the brain that caused tms is the same brain that can undo it" |
686 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2006 : 18:41:19
I'm tagging this post as a SuccessStory: -Stryder |
Edited by - Stryder on 02/19/2006 19:11:56 |
195 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2006 : 22:42:37
Thanks stryder but how come?? Unfortunately today i have been in a lot a lot of pain... and im sad because sarno states i should be healed after 3 weeks after ive seen him... and my back almost went out today so i am sad but thank u im not a success story but i will be one day ! |
686 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2006 : 22:51:39
Hi Jena,
...since my last visit with sarno 3 weeks ago... ive been 95% better!
You are on the right road going in the the right direction.
You are fortunate to have discovered Dr. Sarno's work early in your life, so you will be spared many years of struggle.
You either have or will shortly conquer your fear.
What else is there to say? YOU WIN ! People who read your post, THEY WIN TOO !
Take care, -Stryder |
Edited by - Stryder on 02/18/2006 22:55:56 |
195 Posts |
Posted - 02/18/2006 : 23:13:02
yes your right stryder and thank you! i will fill you in a few weeks and let you know how im doing... he wants me to call him this wednesday so ill talk to him.. thank you for your responce... =) yes i am very happy i found him young i just can not wait till say " i havent had one twinge of back pain in 10 years " the way i see it... if other people have done it why cant i? |
17 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2006 : 11:18:35
This might be a silly question..... how does one get an appt with Dr. Sarno? He is in NY, right? |
8 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2006 : 12:43:08
Stryder -- is there a place on the forum one finds success stories?
560 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2006 : 14:03:59
there is no specific file for success stories, but if you type in "Success Story" or "Success Stories" into the search engine you will find a lot of stories...
268 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2006 : 07:16:49
quote: Originally posted by lfreeland
This might be a silly question..... how does one get an appt with Dr. Sarno? He is in NY, right?
I saw sarno over 10 yrs ago, so i aint the best source, but i just called him up, from the number from NYU. amazingly my insurance covered the visit, which even 10 yrs ago was a bit pricey, but worth every penny even if i had to pay it all myself-S |
195 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2006 : 15:22:35
stans right just call him up =) |
686 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2006 : 17:40:56
quote: Originally posted by PeterMcKay
there is no specific file for success stories, but if you type in "Success Story" or "Success Stories" into the search engine you will find a lot of stories...
Actually its...
Go here...
and enter SuccessStory: in the Search For: box. Then push the Search button.
I need to go back and check. Other members have been very kind to tag some posts a success stories, but I think they tagged them without the colon (:) or put a space in there.
Take care, -Stryder |
Edited by - Stryder on 03/21/2006 17:43:01 |
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