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385 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2008 : 15:57:56
It isn't what is in the books that requires clarification, but the way it is used here on the forum, coupled with the growing list of synonyms and equivalents. I should've said as much. |

114 Posts |
Posted - 06/05/2008 : 22:00:43
quote: Originally posted by Hillbilly "I believe my TMS could be a result of generalized anxiety disorder" * * * This is a spot-on, absolutely accurate assessment of your problem, and here is the proof.
quote: Originally posted by ACL The other conditions are TMS equivalents. * * * I, like Sarno, believe A (repressed emotions) causes both B and C (TMS and anxiety).
I've got to throw my $0.02 in - the academics are a great distraction from my repressed emotions. IMHO, the root cause of A - Z is extreme unhappiness (pscyhologically speaking). More technically (neurologically speaking), some area of the brain that monitors, audits, and reports on our sense of well being - a well-o-meter? a secure-o-stat? an are-things-ok gauge is reporting a problem. But is there actually a real, present problem? Has the gauge become damaged from too much past volatility? Was the gauge never actually manufactured right to begin with?
Of course it's some fuzzy, amorphous combination of environmental factors and genetics that are doing this, - but I'll go out on a limb and suggest that genetics are likely the biggest factor. It's likely biolgoical and in the brain (however, this doesn't necessarily mean that it cannot be modulated via intentional, volitional, remedial thought).
The coping mechanism selected (presumably, by some other part of your brain - perhaps higher areas of the brain), determines the manifestation:
If you are aware of the unhappiness directly, and allow your higher mind to formulate cognitive and intellectual reasons for your (reported) unhappiness (i.e., I'm not good enough, I'm not a good person, etc.), you are miserable. You have depression. If you repress those feelings - and it makes sense to do this because they are so painful - or if you really can't think of legitimate reasons to be unhappy - your brain creates dreaded scenarios, fears, obsessions and phobias as the content of the "unhappiness" reporting. You have anxiety. Finally (I think) if anxiety persists for too long (or perhaps or if you somehow bypass the anxiety phase), the "unhappiness" reporting wrecks havoc in your nervous system, endocrine system, and musculoskeletal system, and you have physical pain and dysfunction.
TMS treatment likely works because because ongoing communication between your conscious mind and your well-o-meter forces correction and adjustment of your wellness gauge.
Edited by - mcone on 06/05/2008 22:01:56 |
United Kingdom
330 Posts |
Posted - 06/06/2008 : 04:36:47
My $0.02's worth.
I first read Sarno 3 and a half years ago. I felt ‘cured’ more or less a few months ago but my main problem, insomnia, hadn’t stopped. I was happier, more positive, had read dozens of books on self help and improving my life but just hadn’t cracked the insomnia, though it wasn’t the blight on my life it had been. The backache, knee pain, wheat intolerance etc etc had gone but I knew I wasn’t fully ‘cured’.
I decided to speak to a therapist who advised chucking all the self help books, stopping the positive thinking and dealing with the underlying emotions. So now when I wake at 3 am I investigate the feelings and end up depressed and weepy and with an anxious knot in my stomach. I had realised that I felt wound up when I woke but, naturally, because you try to get back to sleep, the first thing you do is try to calm yourself and stop thinking unpleasant thoughts! Now, after maybe an hour I start to calm and my mind drifts and, thankfully (after 30 years of insomnia and lying awake until morning) usually get back to sleep. I hope that these unpleasant feelings will gradually diminish allowing me to sleep right through.
Another thing for insomniacs is to act on any niggling thing which might be disturbing your sleep eg if you think you might sleep through the alarm buy another couple of alarm clocks, room too bright - buy an eye mask, then they can’t become distractions.
I believe depression and anxiety are TMS symptoms. Since stopping the positive thinking I have often felt depressed and occasionally anxious but hope that I am working my way through these but won’t know for sure, I guess, for a few more months.
I don’t feel genetics is a major factor as my problems seem to blatantly stem from the conflict of having an alcoholic father (shame, humiliation) and a smart, articulate mother (someone I wanted to emulate). We kids suppressed our emotions big time – partly to protect our ‘perfect’ Mum and partly because we were taught to ‘not make matters worse’.
BB65’s idea that ‘The symptoms ARE protecting us.....from US!’ seems possible and might explain why some take so long to get sorted.
Scottjmurray wrote recently - quote: i'm. not. me.
well, i mean, i am me. but i'm in terrible anguish because my body-mind is continually usurped by these shadow people from my past. they have been burned into my psyche and they take over my actions like someone being possessed by a ghost.
continually striving to be right all the time? continually striving to make things perfect? continually striving to please other people?
Which I think I can identify with. When you’ve done the goodist b******t, as I have, for years it’s hard to separate it from the real you.
Anyway, as always there is lots of great information from this messageboard and the battle goes on!
783 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2008 : 19:26:47
bb, sorry about what your'e going thru. |

141 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2008 : 21:36:16
So sorry about all the turmoil and pain. Be kind to yourself through-out all of this. You post speaks deep from the core.
Take care-
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Hong Kong
774 Posts |
Posted - 06/09/2008 : 03:00:21
quote: The treatment works primarily because we are able to accept that the pain is benign, and recondition ourselves to think about and react differently to it. If the anxiety is considered a symptom, the treatment involves ignoring or 'floating through' it, diffusing the poisonous thoughts and calming the mind.
THIS IS IT!!!!. This is the essence , the VERY essence of the treatment and Dave has managed to capture so well, so succintly.
There are actual moments when I am able to somehow really realise that the pain is benign & react differently and at that precise moment even the pain feels different and I know that 'I've got it'. For a brief moment It feels like a window has opened up and I was able to get thru to my unconscious. It is as simple as Dave says it is and yet not as simple if you get what I mean and it is hard to sustain the feeling and that way of thinking. I find myself reverting back to my old way of thinking only too soon. That is focusing on the physical.
Good Luck & Good Health Mala |
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