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 stomach pain

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jackgreen68 Posted - 11/15/2008 : 17:18:02
Is there a good therapist or doctor that could help with stomach pain.I have been checked out by a stomach doctor,and there is nothing wrong with me.I am sure I have TMS.Is there someone that I could go to in NYC
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rose12 Posted - 02/10/2017 : 07:06:27
A cup of warm water mixed with honey and lemon juice can help you a little bit.
winnieboo Posted - 11/16/2008 : 11:53:10
Sarno is in NYC. He sees patients who live in the tri-state area.

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