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T O P I C    R E V I E W
David Russ Posted - 12/15/2008 : 10:47:36
Four months since my last post. Encouraging you to find something that helps a little and stick with it. Get better slowly. Drop your hopes for an overnight cure; it does not happen that way.

Here is what I can do now, and what you will be able to do.

1) exercising 4 or 5 times a week on an elliptical machine for 30 minutes at a time. My strength is returning after months of disuse of my left hip and leg, and the movement does not hurt me.

2) stretching! It feels SO GOOD to move my body. What a gift. I stretch not because I think my back needs it, but because it FEELS GREAT and I like the feeling of being flexible again!!!

3) the Sedona Method is still working for me, and I find that I can always release resentment when I remember to. Sometimes I forget until I remember again.

4) I have pain and small problems every so often. Nothing major. I still get afraid when I feel back pain, but slowly I am recognizing that the little tweaks are just that--little tweaks.

5) I've taken two trips in the last eight weeks. The first one, I took ibuprofen every 12 hours for a week during the trip. The second one, I took ibuprofen once--on the plane ride there, and that was that. Even though I sat, and slept on a strange, hard bed, and all the stuff I was afraid to do.

6) I've gained back 13 pounds. I dropped from 163 to 137 during my period of disability. Now I'm back to 150 and filling out my slacks again.


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