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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1yehmon2 Posted - 10/01/2008 : 23:37:24
I have been working on this TMS theory for years. It has been a help,probably helped me about 40-50 %. I am ALWAYS still in pain, but thanks to the TMS knowledge it wasn't all consuming. But it was still part of my life,part of me. Hindered my life in so many ways. It took me years of INTENSE suffering before I advanced to this much improved state. I did all the follow up reading on similiar books, All of them seemed to help to a degree. I did all the journaling, I dug up all the yuck I could think of, I went to a shrink. I never gave up, but to tell you the truth, lets be practical, how LONG can you keep this up? Who REALLY has the time? If you were seeing "amazing" results, you would somehow find the time. You just get to the point that you accept the improvement and accept the pain that you still have, feel awful about it, but go on. I can only write about "how I am feeling in the present time" for so long.........There must be something more that we are missing. This for sure is the total answer for alot of people and they get to go on. But there are SO many of us still struggling.

So as there is nothing that is really an accident, I happened on another book last week while doing a little early Christmas shopping at Sam's club. The book is, The Astonishing Power of Your Emotions. Authors; Jerry and Esther Hicks. Boy, I wish I were a writer, so that I was able to convey to you the absolute thrill of this book. I swear on everything sacred to me that when I finished it last night that I was so damn excited that I literally couldn't go to sleep. My sence of joy in knowing that I finally have the answer to my pain is so overwhelming. I can't stop smiling, my husband thinks I am nuts, but he is so looking forward to reading it. This book is not just about pain, even though that is where alot of us are focusing. It's about losing weight, improving relationships, getting your health back, getting out of money problems, getting over horrible emotional pain and loss, and so much more. All the horrible problems I have had with my mentally ill elderly Mother seem okay now. The horrific problems that i have been having with our youngest son, all of a sudden are mostly okay. My anger is gone at everyone who has crapped on me...just like that!!! I have been struggling with all of the above for most of my life. Now I feel free. This is SO SO much easier than all the things that all of us on this site have been wading through for what? weeks?, months?, years? It is so so simple. No studying, no workbooks, no time consuming journaling, no giving up a half hour a day to working on the cocept. I couldn't wait to tell you all! I can't stop smiling. $9.88 at Sam's club,also used on Amazon at just under $10.00 Your early and the very best gift you ever gave yourself.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LIlith Posted - 10/09/2008 : 10:05:20
Originally posted by skizzik

I too am composing my thank you letter b4 I get any results.

Glad to know I'm not the only one, lol.
skizzik Posted - 10/08/2008 : 12:54:21
Hey lilith,

You describe one of my weird personality traits too, the feeling that "this" author has the answer for me, and I too am composing my thank you letter b4 I get any results.
LIlith Posted - 10/06/2008 : 15:44:17
Wow, skizzik. I have a bookshelf filled with self-help, diet, health, and spirituality books, all of which were THE ONE THAT WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE!!! at the time. I have even mentally composed my letter of thanks to the authors of most of these books immediately after reading them, because I was sure each one would be "the one".

Interestingly, the only one that ever had a real, lasting effect, was Dr. Sarno's. Unfortunately, I continued to have problems even after my back pain went away.

And, that said, I too will be looking for the book 1yehmon2 recommended.
skizzik Posted - 10/04/2008 : 12:32:30

what are you doing?

You had another thread in the success forum about the excitement you had for Fred Amir's book and how you just knew it would work. That was in april. (I too was excited to get that book, but it did nothing for me either)

I feel your'e falling into the same trap I did of getting excited about a book that will make you recover only to realize nothing happened a week later. I don't blame you, like I said, I had the same euphoria w/ every book I cracked open, or wanted to crack open.

Maybe post these feelings you have in the regular tmshelp forum, because this section s/b for those who have found relief from tms and what they did. Not for those who feel what they think is gonna work.

Having said all that, I have to run out and get this book your'e reccomending

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