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T O P I C    R E V I E W
raininginbeirut Posted - 08/10/2008 : 10:59:01
I had a very interesting experience last night. I haven't read Sarno's books or done any real research into TMS and how it works, but my boyfriend, who also belongs to these forums, has. We've both had a very stressful few days. I've been feeling overwhelmed and angry at the people who have been making it so stressful.

About 5 years ago, I injured my knee playing rugby. It was pretty bad, and my doctor told me I shouldn't run anymore if I don't want it to hurt me. I was okay to run very short distances if I needed to, but long distance running was out of the question.

Last night, while we weren't really doing too much, my knee started hurting really badly. I had ran a tiny bit earlier in the day, but it didn't start to hurt until hours later, and it wasn't really enough to hurt it anyway. I told my boyfriend about this and that it was concerning me. It was hurting really badly. Then he explained to me the idea of TMS. We talked about it a bit, and it made total sense that this pain in my knee was TMS.

As soon as we started talking about the idea that it just might be TMS, the pain went away. It hasn't come back yet, and I don't think it will.

Now I want to read Sarno's books and understand TMS better. I'm wonder what other pains I've experienced that weren't really physical at all. I'm a believer!
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HilaryN Posted - 08/19/2008 : 07:21:58

Hilary N

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