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 Success Stories
 Celebrate your small successes!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
David Russ Posted - 07/16/2008 : 22:13:58
Post your own little mini-success stories, if you would like. It might help you to remember them, and it might help others to recognize their own little successes!

Here's mine from today:

I got into the car, drove to the pet store, parked, got out, limped into the pet store and picked up a bag of kitty litter. I paid for it, carried to the car, put it in the hatchback, and then drove to an appointment.

I left the appointment and drove home!

I had a little pain in the car and some trouble getting out of the car, but I did it. The bag of kitty litter was the heaviest thing I have carried in a couple of months, and it didn't hurt me!

Small success, but it felt heroic to me.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n/a Posted - 08/05/2008 : 19:41:43
Over the past week, I have eaten pizza, Taco Bell, and other foods I'd been avoiding for almost a year and only had minimal IBS repercussions.
David Russ Posted - 08/05/2008 : 09:47:08
Yesterday, after a full day of work, I got home and had a short rest, then drove to dinner and SAT through dinner then came home and drove my Dad back to his hotel downtown and back home--almost an hour in the car without getting out!
HilaryN Posted - 08/04/2008 : 13:53:13
Great - I think it's good to post the mini-success stories, too.

Hilary N
David Russ Posted - 08/03/2008 : 16:07:35
Yesterday, I did something that would have been inconceivable 2 weeks ago. With my family, I drove (yes, drove) downtown (about 25 minutes), spent the day on my feet on concrete, shopping and browsing the Portland Saturday Market, and walking along the waterfront. When I needed to rest, I could sit instead of having to lay down.

Then I drove home and after only a brief rest, took the kids to a playground and spent almost an hour there on the bench (mostly laying supine and reading).

My hip and back were sore/tired at the end of the day, but whose wouldn't be? This morning I was a little more stiff than usual but by 1pm it loosened up (1 Advil helped :))
David Russ Posted - 07/19/2008 : 14:07:02
Today, I walked 2 miles without stopping.

My left foot tingled, my left thigh felt tight/pulling, and my left hip was really stiff.

But I kept on going, knowing that it's vital for me to restrengthen this hip and leg after four months of disuse and atrophy. So I kept on going. I had my cell phone with me, and when I felt like stopping I would call someone, and even if they weren't answering, I would leave them a message and that would take my mind off the deisre to stop.

'bout halfway through, the blood came into the hip and it loosened up and I could walk more easily. I even got my heart rate up and almost broke a sweat...first time in weeks.

Tonight, I am going to the movies with my wife. I am scared to sit down for the 2 - 3 hours that this movie will take, but I know that I can stand up if I need to. The important thing is that we are going.

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