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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sdiddy Posted - 06/09/2008 : 20:01:52
Hi all...if you do a search you can read my first post about 1.5 years ago on this site about my debilitating back i was thinking about how grateful i am to have gotten my life back and i was remembering all the days and nights when i prayed to god that if my back pain could be taken away, i would be so grateful and try to be a better person everyday. well i have done jsut that and i want to take a moment to thank you who are also trying and also helping others with tms. and also wanted to try and help you out in any way that i can also...if i can affect even 1 persons life and help them, then its worth the time. ironically this year my assistant at work also "injured" her back and she began the typical regiment of MRIs, physical therapy, deep tissue heat massages, chiropractors, etc. I sat with her after hearing about her life and injury and bought her a copy of healing back pain by sarno. after a few months she told me the book saved her life and that her fear of being in pain her whole life was gone. i felt really good that i saved her from going through what may have been years of pain. for me it was abotu 7 years of pain and about 1.5 years since i found sarno. so anyways, to update you, i now play basketball 3+ times a week, play golf once a week, can drive long distances, and pretty much live completely back pain free. if i ever experience any back pain, its just normal soreness that any human would have after sports....and its not just back soreness...its any muscle i use that day....its just amazing...i feel like i have been reborn...i can jump, run, and move like i did when i was 16 and im 30 this year....i just want to say to all of you who are out there and either just found sarno or are in the "grey area", that you really CAN and WILL have yoru life completely let go of your fear, BELIEVE, relax, BREATHE, and imagine the blood flowing through your body. Thats really all i did. I know different things work for different people....but for me the biggest thing was imagining the blood flowing through my back and "unclenching" my butt and back muscles. And the most important was reading success stories. it really made me believe that i could heal myself. the human mind is so powerful and amazing. once you embrace the power of your mind, you will open up doors to amazing worlds and find that you can do anything. anyways if you have any questions i am glad ot help...but thank you all for everything and keep at it....
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vipassana Posted - 09/11/2008 : 20:18:41
Congratulations - so happy for you!!! I loved hearing that you're back in the swing of things!!!
johnaccardi Posted - 09/11/2008 : 11:35:58

Thankyou for the reassuring post. Great job with your success. I will join you soon, I can feel it.
David Russ Posted - 07/16/2008 : 22:16:09

Congratulations to you on your success! Thank you for celebrating this here, to help us who are still struggling with pain and fear. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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