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 Runescape Orb Of Oculus Picture Contest

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
amanle Posted - 11/25/2014 : 01:04:58
Early this week, the Runescape newly formed Community Development Team had made a number of RS Gold improvements to the Orb of Oculus, which is made to be more accessible than itĄŻs ever been. And for that case, they are opening an Orb of Oculus picture contest. If you fancy making your own RS video or taking screenshots, welcome to the screenshot competition.

To enter, all you need to do is a take a picture or your character with the orb of oculus. But there are certain conditions. For this contest, they would like you to pretend you are spies, spying on your own character. What does he or she get up to when there are no monsters to save or when the world doesnĄŻt need saving? Does he or she like to chillĄŻn skill a bit? Go to the tavern and grab a beer? Grab a cup of tea in Varrock? It is up to us to show the.

To be the winners, you will get the amazing rewards

1st place: full set of Elf City Skill chips(from RuneFest)+signed artwork+1 bond

2 runners up: signed artwork+1 bond


Preferred image type: JPEG

Preferred sending method: As an attachment to the e-mail.

Preferred size: max-1920x1080(no minimum size, but please avoid small&blurry images)

You can send your entries to @jagex, one entry per person. The competition deadline would the on Wednesday November 26 at 11:59 am GMT.

Last and the most important, as this competition is showcasing the new and improved Orb of Oculus, all entries are to be submitted unaltered, no paint, no photoshop or any other image altering tool.

Hurry up and it is already November 22. However, you still got enough time to show them your FIFA 15 PC Coins leisure time in Runescape.

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