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 more navigable "success stories" section?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gibbon Posted - 10/17/2009 : 06:51:20


I am a pretty new member and am hugely grateful for this site, but have a suggestion over the "success stories" area....

at the moment it's not very accessible for someone new to read success stories spanning any length of time - you have to scroll through reams and reams of threads, some of which aren't really success stories at all....

seeing as how the success stories section forms such an integral part of persuading people that TMS is real, perhaps there could be a "locked" thread into which are copied all [or a good selection of] the useful success stories threads. These could even be sorted into different conditions - RSI/back pain etc etc. I don't know how much work this would involve, but i definitly think that this would make the success stories much more accessible to a wider audience....

what do you think?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
applee Posted - 10/12/2010 : 20:41:52
That's very funny, life should be life this


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