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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TotalStrangerFigure Posted - 02/11/2009 : 14:01:31
I post on another forum where I can reply to a specific individual and receive an automated notification if someone replies to my post. Is that possible here?

Also, I tried to send an e-mail to a person here after clicking on their name. I received no response (which is fine if they don't want to respond), but I'm wondering if it was even received because I saw someone else post recently about the e-mail feature not working.

Can you help?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ArturoCook Posted - 07/27/2012 : 02:03:22
We may adopt different message board software in the future.

bryan3000 Posted - 09/10/2011 : 16:36:45
Funny, I came to this part of the forum specifically to request this feature.

I know it's a pain to implement a new board, but I'd only say to the webmasters and moderators here... I think the reply-notification feature creates much more traffic and interest in forums. I know that's the case for me. Thread subscriptions are a major draw to boards.

Just my two cents, and thanks for all you do!


-1/2010 - Developed chronic sinus problems. ENTs/Docs can't find anything
-5/29/2010 - Doc gives cocktail of allergy meds which induces first ever panic attack/anxiety.
-7/16/2010 - Anxiety stays/worsens - put on Xanax
2/1/2011 - Began Xanax taper - Withdrawal starts - full body chaos
-6/11/2011 - Last dose of Xanax. Physical/emotional chaos continues for several months.
-Now: Taking it day by day, looking for real answers and ways to heal myself without medical poison.
ennio Posted - 08/08/2011 : 17:39:33
*gentle bump*

This would be a very helpful feature, especially on this forum where support and advice can really make a difference with managing pain that can be severe.

TotalStrangerFigure Posted - 02/17/2009 : 10:29:56
Dave Posted - 02/13/2009 : 16:15:16
Sorry but that feature is not currently available with this software. We may adopt different message board software in the future.

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