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 Timeline for curing TMS??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jackiethom Posted - 03/04/2008 : 16:35:03
Do you think it's a bad idea to set a time frame for being cured of a particular TMS symptom? Or is this desire just a part of being a perfectionist?

I was able to recover from chronic TMS in my arms within about a week. But I'm having one hec of a terrible time getting over some of the TMS equivalents- acne in particular. Any thoughts? Anyone with dermatology issues?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ArturoCook Posted - 07/27/2012 : 02:04:59
It costed him to recover would be a nice idea though.

Redsandro Posted - 11/10/2008 : 09:18:31

Didn't realise this thread was over 6 months old!

TMS is the hidden language of the soul.
Redsandro Posted - 11/10/2008 : 09:16:57
That would be too different for everyone.
I cured RSI in months, while someone I spoke to cured in a day. There's no timeframe.

A website with profiles linked to the forum where every user has a certain TMS trait and submits the amount of time it costed him to recover would be a nice idea though. So you could select a TMS trait on the front page and you see a success rate graph with time averaging and such.. yeah would be nice.

No one likes to make this efford though.

TMS is the hidden language of the soul.

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