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 You can attack players based on Osrs gold

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ningling2016 Posted - 09/04/2019 : 01:00:26
OSRS combat requires fast and exact clicking, which requires a ton more skill than tab targetting and spamming keyboard buttons to get rotations such as in WoW. I have not ever heard of the"bug" you're speaking about.

As it isn't necessary There's no level scaling in PvP. You can attack players based on their battle level and your . Low levels combat elevated levels and low levels struggle with high degrees. It's true, you are required to get supplies like food, potions and arrows in order to pvp, what is so bad about this? There is build variation in PvP. You do sound knowledgable and unbiased enough to give a reasonable evaluation of OSRS. You sound like a bitter WoW fanboy that missed out on Runescape because it had"**** images" and is now badmouthing Runescape in an effort to justify his poor decision and feel better about himself.

I think that this comment is written by somebody reminiscent of his time'wasted' on . I've seen folks who loved the sport state similar things, but the majority of what you've said paints you as equally ignorant and dumb because quite frankly your primary beef with Runescape is actually just a personal taste of match play.

You can't call my observation that Runescape is currently grinding an opinion. It is objectivly true, and not in a way that is great. That's true in the sense that, yes, I really could mill in Runescape. Or I could opt to flip Runescape off and walk off.

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