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 Question for Runners about Sneakers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gailnyc Posted - 03/31/2013 : 20:17:34
I am hoping to start running again when my foot pain clears up, and I have a question about buying shoes now that I know I have TMS and need to "think psychological."

In the past, I've always gone to a running shop and had the sales clerks do a gait analysis, and then recommend shoes for me, which I'd try on, run around in, and select one pair from.

But now I'm concerned about focusing too much on the "physical." Do I really need shoes for overpronators? Do I really need a wide toe box? Or will getting these sort of "diagnoses" have me focusing too much on the physical?

Thanks in advance for any replies.
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tennis tom Posted - 04/02/2013 : 09:26:14
Originally posted by gailnyc

For example, the conventional wisdom (and something I've believed and acted on for years) is that when your back starts hurting when you run it means it's time for new running shoes.

In my running days. I ran 13 marathons, hundreds of shorter races, (as many as three in one day), trained everyday, short of being on a "death-bed", (but I tried anyway), for at least 30 minutes minimum to eight miles daily for weeks training for marathons. I NEVER replaced my shoes until they wore out, started seeing my socks, putting holes in them, (Thorlos aren't cheap) and I NEVER had ANY back problems!

I don't run anymore except in the pool, so this "conventional wisdom" you've been conditioned to believe, to me is a sales pitch by the shoe industry to sell you more shoes. It's the same sort of marketing for tennis, I now play everyday. Tennis shops recommend changing your racket strings, as many times yearly, as you play in a week--good for THEIR business--I only replace my strings when they break, Babolat VS gut feels best to me, just before it breaks. Sometime, in rec play, I'll play 45 minutes with broken strings, until it looks like a bowl of macaroni, just to see if anyone notices--they don't--rec/club tennis--very observant--especially the line calls.

So, if you believe that kind of industry rubbish, it's good for the "trainers" industry--bad for your wallet--but NOT for your back. I recommend you curl up with your Sarno and get brainwashed with the Good Doctor's "KNOWLEDGE PENICILLIN", because the kind of "conventional thinking" the running shoe marketing business has conditioned you to believe is contrary to TMS thinking--or--go out and run and prove it to yourself. As long as you believe that kind of "conventional thinking" you're not going to get Sarno better.

gailnyc Posted - 04/02/2013 : 08:47:15
Originally posted by balto
Do whatever you want to do, feel like doing. Stop doing it if it feel uncomfortable or painful.

Right, but how will I know if the pain I'm feeling is real, due to shoes, or TMS, due to what my brain THINKS I should feel because of my shoes?

For example, the conventional wisdom (and something I've believed and acted on for years) is that when your back starts hurting when you run it means it's time for new running shoes. Now how will I know if that's true? Or if it's just conditioning?

It's all so confusing.

(However, it is nice to think about running again someday.)
njoy Posted - 04/01/2013 : 22:54:24
Great thread! I suffered agonies with my feet all because I was mad at my doctor, then went for a long walk in thongs, then happened hear a news report about thongs causing plantar fasciitis. Within 24 hours, I had it in both feet and could barely hobble. The pain didn't let up until I remembered Dr. Sarno's books and thought, OMG this is tms!. Two years of my life basically wasted. Imagine if all the people in the world who wear thongs day in and day out heard that news item and believed it. Just ridiculous what we put ourselves through.

"It's worth considering that tms is not a treatment but rather an unfolding of the self, and a way of living as an emotionally aware and engaged soul." Plum
tennis tom Posted - 04/01/2013 : 21:54:32
Originally posted by balto

In my opion every thing is "natural". Do whatever you want to do, feel like doing. Stop doing it if it feel uncomfortable or painful. The most important thing is if we're happy doing it or not. Not what we think our body may feel.

balto Posted - 04/01/2013 : 21:27:16
pspa, those are condition that effect the knees, not the feet that we're talking about here. and those rickshaw pullers are biking, not running. I'm talking about the one the ran bare feet and pulled the rickshaw behind them, not the one that bike.

I'm sure many of them will have problem with their feet and knees and other body parts, but not any where near the rate of suffering we've seen in the West.

We have the highest rate of back pain, foot pain, anxiety, panic, depression, ulcer, neck pain.... in the world.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
pspa123 Posted - 04/01/2013 : 21:09:29
Balto who says the rickshaw pullers don't have foot problems?
balto Posted - 04/01/2013 : 20:58:27
Those Vietnamese communist walk and run more than 1500 miles with 50 lbs sacks on their back for years through all kind of "unnatural" terrains, hard and soft pavement, jungle and cities, tunnels and mountains..., with no problems with their feet.

Have you seen those human power ricksaw pullers in India pspa? They run all their life on hard pavement with "homemade" shoes while pulling hundred of miles 365 days a years and never visit foot doctor.

I didn't know we "required" to wear "correct" shoes until I come to live in the West. I didn't know high tech "correct" shoes exist until now. 80% of the human population don't neither and their feet are doing just fine. Somehow those expensive shoe companies found out through their "research" people living in the West have "weak and sensitive" feet and need those shoes to protect them from hard pavement and "unnatural" gait.

In my opion every thing is "natural". Do whatever you want to do, feel like doing. Stop doing it if it feel uncomfortable or painful. The most important thing is if we're happy doing it or not. Not what we think our body may feel.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
pspa123 Posted - 04/01/2013 : 18:01:45
Yes but a sprinter isn't pounding 15 miles on hard pavement either.
Dr James Alexander Posted - 04/01/2013 : 17:07:57
i cant offer any professional opinion here, but do recall hearing of research a couple of years ago which concluded that there was no benefit with having high-tech runners. They seem to just be a marketing gimic. As a result, i bought some Dunlop Volleys (flat sole)- the design hasnt changed since the 1930's- and havent had a problem with either running or playing tennis in them. Have a look at the runners Olympic sprinters use- they look like heavy duty socks with studs in the front sole- no padding, no cushioning, etc.

pspa123 Posted - 04/01/2013 : 13:07:02
The problem is it is not natural to run on concrete and asphalt, thus the need or at least perceived need for more structure and padding.
gigalos Posted - 04/01/2013 : 12:01:22
just to be thourough, he trains long distance runners...
tennis tom Posted - 04/01/2013 : 11:37:44
Yes Gigalos, agreed, when runners want to race and go fast they wear "racing flats", with a minimum amount of structure.
gigalos Posted - 04/01/2013 : 09:28:46
There is a running coach living in a motel nearby who recently found out that most "high-tech" sneakers out there aggravate the effects of landing your feet on your muscles and tendons. He trains people that run professionaly and some of them have been national or world champions in their discipline. He was furious, because he concluded that many of his athletes injuries were due to those sneakers. He now advises the simplest of shoes, just flat pieces of thin rubber that don't alter your gait.
Nature provided you with the best equipment to run. The only thing you should do is protect that equipment from getting damaged by sharp objects or too much wear because it has not yet developed hard skin.
The most natural running gait is to land on your front or middle foot, not on your heel. The best runners from ethiopia/kenya etc. use this technique.
tennis tom Posted - 04/01/2013 : 00:22:49
I forgot my tennis shoes and racket a couple of weeks ago for some rec tennis, borrowed a stick and played barefoot--no problem, won a set and lost one. A side benefit is, if you have any plantar's warts, the gritty hard-courts sand them right off for you.

There's nothing better then playing barefoot on grass-courts, that's how the game's played in heaven.

My left foot hurts for a few minutes after I take the court. If I didn't know about TMS, I would be running off to foot doctors and probably being fitted for $500 orthotics or dx'ed with plantar fascitis and chatted up for surgery. Using TMS thinking, I make it go away in about five minutes or less every time.

bryan3000 Posted - 03/31/2013 : 23:56:53
In totally hear Balto's point and believe it.
Conversely, I'm not a big believer that giving the physical some attention is so bad if done with the right outlook. I'd assume people without TMS can have comfortable and uncomfortable shoes. I know when I play basketball or tennis my confidence is affected by how comfortable I am in my gear. Seems ok to seek a properly fitting pair, lie like Pspa said.
altherunner Posted - 03/31/2013 : 22:09:35
I have been an avid runner for 20+ years. I had every running"injury"
you can think of. i stopped going to the running shoe store a few years ago. I ran in really flat shoes, sandals, and now i run in bare feet. The only injury I have had is blisters. I ran today 1 1/2 hours on pavement, i got a samll blister on one toe. I would not reccomend this for everyone, but it does seem that running shoe stores do not have our best interest as their prime objective. Landing on the heel seems to me to be the cause of physical (not mental/emotional) injury to runners. My first marathon was 2 days after my dad passed away. I had terrible back and leg pain. I blamed the race, but i realized later it was my dad's passing.
balto Posted - 03/31/2013 : 21:17:58
Those farmers in Thailand use the same old pair of shoes for years and hardly see any of them have foot problem. The Vietnamese walked and run everywhere with homemade shoes. The Kennyans run bare feet everywhere and won many marathons. Half of the population of africa don't have a decent pair of shoes and when they do those usually came from donation of used shoe, poorly fit donations from the West, and they usually don't have foot doctor where they live. People in poor country wear the same pairs of shoe to school, church, work, wedding, funeral....

I remember one of my old classmate was a champion runner in our school, he a tennis shoe on his right foot and a loafer on his left foot. The last time I saw him he is still healthy and have not problem with his foot.

it's not your shoes, it's your emotion in my opion.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
pspa123 Posted - 03/31/2013 : 21:03:12
No reason not to get the best fit, it seems to me.

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