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 2-video tape set by John E. Sarno, M.D.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sylvia Posted - 03/30/2013 : 06:15:04
Would love to acquire Sarno's teaching video's if anyone is through with them and wants to sell them.

If anyone has an IN with the good Doctor please tell him we want those teaching video's back, maybe it could be transfered to DVD this time or put up on a download. And did he NEVER record the group sessions that Nicole Saches was a part of? That would be powerful too.

If you have them, and don't want to sell or give, would you consider loaning to me?

This should be around for posterity sake. Just as the years pass and there will be more and more mainstream practioners and lay people, goodness let's keep THE name and man through the century's.

And again, don't try to message me here. I'll never get it. I need you to go to TMSwiki and join the forum there and message me.

Thank you
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sylvia Posted - 04/02/2013 : 11:21:07
Got it, it is not org, but com but I wouldn't have found it at all otherwise so thank you Nicole.

50 for vcr
90 for dvd
NicoleSachsLCSW Posted - 04/01/2013 : 14:32:53

Our forums were often taped, but I've spoken recently with the man who taped them and I believe there may be legal issues about releasing them??? I'm not sure. In the mean time, I believe that the site "" sells the Sarno lectures. Just google Dr. Sarno and you'll find the DVDs.

All the best!


Originally posted by Sylvia

Would love to acquire Sarno's teaching video's if anyone is through with them and wants to sell them.

If anyone has an IN with the good Doctor please tell him we want those teaching video's back, maybe it could be transfered to DVD this time or put up on a download. And did he NEVER record the group sessions that Nicole Saches was a part of? That would be powerful too.

If you have them, and don't want to sell or give, would you consider loaning to me?

This should be around for posterity sake. Just as the years pass and there will be more and more mainstream practioners and lay people, goodness let's keep THE name and man through the century's.

And again, don't try to message me here. I'll never get it. I need you to go to TMSwiki and join the forum there and message me.

Thank you

Originally posted by Sylvia

Would love to acquire Sarno's teaching video's if anyone is through with them and wants to sell them.

If anyone has an IN with the good Doctor please tell him we want those teaching video's back, maybe it could be transfered to DVD this time or put up on a download. And did he NEVER record the group sessions that Nicole Saches was a part of? That would be powerful too.

If you have them, and don't want to sell or give, would you consider loaning to me?

This should be around for posterity sake. Just as the years pass and there will be more and more mainstream practioners and lay people, goodness let's keep THE name and man through the century's.

And again, don't try to message me here. I'll never get it. I need you to go to TMSwiki and join the forum there and message me.

Thank you

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