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 how to break visual conditioning

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ron213 Posted - 12/27/2012 : 00:24:12

Like everyone else here, i have TMS pain issues,
short story- pain in my hands, wrist to shoulder, i spend a lot of time in front of the computer and depends on it to make living. i was not able to use my hands for a long time and among other things was not working for 17 months or so. now that im feeling better i decided to resume to work.

like many others for me the pain comes in cycles, and although i improved dramatically, i still have only very little experience with passing a whole day without having any pain, but at least it happens.

lately i have been trying to visualize me typing without having any pain and being happy about it. i tried this for 3-4 days now, and whats frustrating about it, i cant do it without also visualizing the pain that comes with the typing, its comes instantly when i start imagine my fingers typing.

whats funny about it, that its a lot lot lot easier for me to type than to visualize it. i mean when i start to type i have no pain!

i feel like this is a problem and holding me back, any tips?

p.s reading this back, and i am not even sure that visual conditioning is even a term, maybe visualizing conditioning is better, either way its both are questionable to say the least.

more p.s - why am i reading my own post so many times, and re-editing it like crazy? what is the source of this obsession and how do you stop? lol

last p.s - merry christmas and happy new year!

Thanks for your help!
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tennis tom Posted - 09/05/2013 : 11:23:30
TMS according to the Good Doctor can cause serious life threatening illness if the tensions are allowed to build for too long. I had a kidney stone once, my urine turned dark brown, I had some of the worst pain in my life and went to the ER. After hours of lying on a gurney because the ER was backed up and singing the pain chant and moaning with my fellows in the ER chorus, the doc saw me, administered morphine which rapidly reduced the excruciating pain. They sent me to MRI where they imaged a kidney stone. They released me with some Percodan and I drove home (carefully). The stone may have been caused by my TMS personality and diet, but I attributed it to the test drive I had the day before in a race car, shaking the sharp little stone loose into my urethra due to the high G forces pining me back into my seat. I did buy the car BTW. Being 65, and not willing to forego IN-N-Out burgers and shakes, I'll maybe have another kidney stone incident some day but won't get overly anxious about it and think right-off that it's kidney cancer and freak out about it.


Ace1 Posted - 09/05/2013 : 09:04:46
Dear Windy, before you were clued in to TMS as a whole, your experience was chronic pain was not related emotional issues. After however knowing the truth, you can see this clearly, after observing and practicing. I will tell you the same applies to kidney stones. Now just because something is related to tension does not mean it can't kill you or require some sort of temporary intervention from a doctor, but I know the basic cause is the same as tms (mainly a mental strain)
windy Posted - 09/05/2013 : 00:14:05
Hi Ace,
I see I'm late to the party on this thread but I'm hoping you can explain what you said about kidney stones being part of the tms process. I understand from reading Louise Hay and Deb Shapiro that they are unresolved lumps of anger (Hay) or emotional imbalance (Shapiro). However, in my experience with resolving tms issues, tms does not cause problems that could potentially require a doctor's intervention or cause a serious medical issue. Thanks.
Ace1 Posted - 01/05/2013 : 10:09:37
Yes kidney stones are caused by the same process as tms
ron213 Posted - 01/05/2013 : 09:44:15
shawnsmith - yes you are most right, the answer to your questions is yes, yes and yes. i try to be as aware as i can to these things, which is also why i wrote them.

i am convinced about the lack of correlation between typing and pain. i am convinced because i spent about 2 months playing games for many hrs a day, just to prove this point to myself. (yes im writing things twice now to convince myself..)

that being said, i am still fighting the pain, but it seems that these days, i mostly win. some sneaky thoughts still able to find its way to my brain, but i dispel them as best i can.

a few hours after i went on how im feeling better etc, and i found myself at the ER. all this pain in my hands made me forgot that i also have stones in my kidneys. i was hospitalized for one day, and now im back home, and im feeling well again. this was not an easy experience,
but i used a lot of self talking and other techniques (when i was not crying..) which made me feel better faster than other times. these were only available to me because of this forum, so thanks for that.
(following ace recommendation i read mind power into 2012...)

i am now wondering what role does TMS play in these stones,
because their timing is impressive.(not the first time when im feeling better hands wise some other ordeal happens,i am not conditioning myself to that... i hope :) )

thank you all for taking the time and for your help.
Ace1 Posted - 01/03/2013 : 17:46:56
Thanks Ron for your feedback it is very helpful to me. I'm glad I was able to help. Please keep me updated and feel free to ask me anything that comes up
shawnsmith Posted - 01/03/2013 : 14:11:04
Originally posted by ron213


....pain in my hands, wrist to shoulder, i spend a lot of time in front of the computer and depends on it to make living.

You have to be convinced that the pain you are experiencing is not due to spending a lot of time in front of the computer. If there is even a small belief inside of you that your pain is due to this activity then your progress will be impeded. Your brain may seek to link the pain and sitting in from of the computer as a way to convince you that you have a physical problem, but this thinking is 100% erroneous.

Re-editing numerous times just means you have perfectionist tendencies. Just learn to accept that about yourself and don't try to change it in any way. Recognize that this perfectionism may be a source of your unconscious rage / stress. Ask yourself why you are a
perfectionist. Are you afraid of criticism or loosing face in front of others? If so, why so? Were you criticized a lot as a child?
ron213 Posted - 01/03/2013 : 13:49:07
its been a few days now, i just wanted to say thanks for your help.

i feel much better these days. your points were right on and gave me an excellent direction on what to focus and also on what not to do.

to ace1 - i only recently became aware of your list , and i wanted to say that i find your list to be extremely useful.

ron213 Posted - 12/28/2012 : 11:13:39

i do do my work with to much intensity, il work on that.
and i will try to lesser the exersice to a point where il feel more comfortable.

thanks for your inputs.
Ace1 Posted - 12/28/2012 : 07:40:28
You do your job with too much intensity and now you have the conditioned association with typing and becoming intense. Remember that the mind power techniques are to achieve relaxation, not to overcome your symptoms. Therefore why don't you try visualizing typing while at a beach with yourself completely at ease and relaxed and taking your complete time. Your goal is now to associate relaxation with typing. At first you may make no progress bc it does take time to recondition.
tennis tom Posted - 12/27/2012 : 07:21:48
Originally posted by ron213

...why am i reading my own post so many times, and re-editing it like crazy? what is the source of this obsession and how do you stop? lol

Lol is a good start. It sounds to me like visualizing your TMS symptom in this case is just driving it home deeper. The symptom is the distraction--the imposter--from the real issues. For the real issues peruse the Rahe-Holmes list.

A thought SteveO mentions is to live a dynamic life that makes you forget about the TMS symptom that is making you miserable--the symptom no longer has a use as a defense mechanism to distract from the EMOTIONAL pain the subconscious deems more dangerously painful. "Healing is gradual--very gradual," quoting SteveO.




Some of my favorite excerpts from _THE DIVIDED MIND_ :


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Jiddu Krishnamurti

"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional." Author Unknown

"Happy People Are Happy Putters." Frank Nobilo, Golf Analyst

"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." Mark Twain and Balto

"The hot-dog is the noblest of dogs; it feeds the hand that bites it." Dr. Laurence Johnston Peter

"If it ends with "itis" or "algia" or "syndrome" and doctors can't figure out what causes it, then it might be TMS." Dave the Mod


John Sarno, MD
400 E 34th St, New York, NY 10016
(212) 263-6035

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Here's a list of TMS practitioners from the TMS Wiki:

Here's a map of TMS practitioners from the old Tarpit Yoga site, (click on the map by state for listings).:

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