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 Urethritis... TMS?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MagicHands Posted - 10/05/2008 : 17:49:02
I had unprotected sex about 3 years ago. a few days later it began burning in the tip when I peed. I tested negative for chlamydia/gonherrea/hiv. I was on 3 separate courses of antibiotics which didn't resolve it. Burning urination was the only symptom. It would get better or worse but never go away completely.

I've had doctors tell me I seem to have a low grade prostatitis going on, but 3 years straight of burning?

I had a cystoscopy (urethra/bladder/prostate exam) recently which found absolutely nothing but a boggy prostate

Has anyone experienced something similar?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skizzik Posted - 10/06/2008 : 03:48:50
hi magic,

You are actually a patient of Sarno right? Therefore, he'd take a call from you. I'd be interested to know what he thought. Why don't you give him a call and post his answer here?

Urinary problems are common tms equivs, I've had 2 bouts w/ prostatitis where tests showed nothing.
mk6283 Posted - 10/05/2008 : 20:51:57
Sounds like a TMS equivalent. Symptom persistence for 3 years pretty much excludes anything else. I'm also assuming that you followed through to completion with your ID testing, etc.

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