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 Binaural beats help recovery?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
johnaccardi Posted - 09/18/2008 : 09:43:30
I don't know if any of you have heard of binaural beats but if you have give me your opinion here. I've recently tried a few and they really seem to work. I've used ones that relax me. Do you think there could be a real use for these beats in TMS and other psychological recoveries?

Just curious, thanks.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
johnaccardi Posted - 09/19/2008 : 10:24:56

The journalings going good. Thank you so much for giving that advice. It's my 9th day straight now of journaling for about 15 minutes each day. I can't really see a difference in the symptoms yet but I have faith this will work eventually. That thought feels so good.


check out binaural beats on wikipedia. Also, look at www . i-doser . com
Go to the store in this site and you can see all the different drugs they can mimic...really cool stuff, I'm thinking about buying some of these.
scottjmurray Posted - 09/18/2008 : 16:22:25
what are binaural beats? is that like that kind of audio where it mimics how you would hear something playing live when you wear headphones? because that stuff is cool

author of tms-recovery . com

(not sh!t, champagne)
mizlorinj Posted - 09/18/2008 : 12:56:20
It's good they relax you; I've never tried and don't know exactly what they sound like, but they are not going to be the key to healing emotions.

Johnny, how is the journaling going??

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