T O P I C R E V I E W |
armchairlinguist |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 14:40:04 I didn't think I'd do one of these posts, because I tend to think "Why not just move on quietly?" But I actually think it will help me with moving on if I write it. The forum has become a bit of a habit for me -- as it does for many -- and it is time to move on, and time for me to commit myself to that.
Unlike many I'm not moving on because I'm unhappy about anything or because TMS and this forum have not worked for me. Au contraire, I'm very healthy and happy, very much a believer in TMS and the essentials of the theory, and I have been greatly helped by the forum, as a place to discuss TMS and emotions with other people who share a common understanding of mindbody disorders. Mostly, of late, I have been (or tried to be) a thoughtful resource to those who are still struggling. I have given a lot of advice. Some of it has been helpful, some I don't know, and some has been useless or has been criticized. This has not been totally fun -- I don't take criticism well, though I am trying to learn :) -- but it has raised some thoughts for me.
For the last year and half I have been moving on beyond TMS, to explore the world of emotions and what is variously called 'living in the NOW', mindfulness, conscious living, etc. Having become interested in Byron Katie's work, I have been asking myself lately as I give advice or input, "Is this true? Can I really know this is true?" And often I find that I can't know that what I'm saying is true, or, if true, is properly directed, and even if both of those, is beneficial.
I can't know exactly at what part of the process someone is stuck, or even if the TMS process is what they need or all they need. I needed to go a bit deeper, in the end, even though basic TMS theory was the first and most essential step. I remain of the belief that it is the first step for many, and that many of the thoughts I've shared about it and about how to get unstuck and progress through various parts of the process are accurate and potentially helpful. But I have a large body of posts behind me now, and I think I've said most everything I can usefully say about TMS.
If you don't agree and you want personal input, my account will remain set to allow email from forum members -- feel free to contact me directly. But I won't be around and posting anymore. If you hope to know what I might say to you, first read back and see if I said it to someone else already! Chances are I did.
And finally, trust yourself, and seek your truth.
-- What were you expecting? |
12 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
campbell28 |
Posted - 09/19/2008 : 04:01:12 Hi Armchair - just wanted to say you have also been a great help to me - contributing to my recent lack of posts as I feel so much better and less in need of reassurance.
All the best for the future and thanks for everything,
campbell |
miehnesor |
Posted - 09/15/2008 : 17:07:07 Arm, Well I would also like to thank you for your incredible contribution to this forum. Also personally I would like to thank you for the support when I was in times of need.
Your insight and help have been invaluable to so many on this forum and I think the comments on this thread are a testament to that.
I can relate to your comments about giving support. It's really very hard to do without meeting someone face to face since so much communication occurs beyond the written word. Also TMS is different for everyone- no two cases are exactly alike.
I rarely visit or contribute to the forum for much the same reasons you have stated. I've said what I need to say and it's time to move on, but i'm glad to have caught this post to say farewell, thank you, and good luck on your future endeavors. |
mamaboulet |
Posted - 09/15/2008 : 07:41:55 You helped me too. And I am also focusing my energies on mindfulness and living in the present, thanks to being introduced to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. You have been good for this place. I know that even though I rarely stop by anymore. Enjoy your life. |
HilaryN |
Posted - 09/14/2008 : 04:54:14 Bye acl (or hopefully "au revoir").
You've invested a huge amount of time and of yourself in this forum. Thank you!
Hilary N |
moose1 |
Posted - 09/13/2008 : 20:59:25 best of luck, armchair. your input has been very helpful to me, too. thank you.
moose |
Curiosity18 |
Posted - 09/13/2008 : 20:58:39 acl-
Let me add that I will greatly miss your insightful and profound posts. You have a way of being both encouraging and supportive, without being "Pollyannaish". I have so appreciated your suggestions and feedback. I wish you the best in your journey, and I'm grateful for your significant part in this forum.
Curiosity |
johnaccardi |
Posted - 09/13/2008 : 18:10:45 Armchairlinguist,
You have helped me so much. I've started at least 20 threads, in search of reassurance and comfort. I think you responded to all of them. I always looked at everyone's responses as a person's opinion, but I looked at yours as the truth. I felt like Dr. Sarno himself was responding to me and helping me along the way. I am doing so much better now than I was when I first joined this forum and I know I wouldn't be this far without you. |
carbar |
Posted - 09/13/2008 : 12:00:06 Reading about how you describe your self-realization fills me with appreciation for how healing TMS work can be.
I definitely celebrate everything you have contributed to the Boards, ACL. You have been a steady voice in encouragement to many, including me! |
penguins |
Posted - 09/13/2008 : 11:28:31 Armchair, hopefully you'll check this thread before you go. I completely understand your need to move on, but just wanted to tell you how valuable your posts have been for me. You are a wealth of information and in my mind you have been a "key player" on here. I am thankful for all the time you took to respond so thougtfully to people. I am sad to see you go, but it sounds like it is the right thing for you. It makes sense actually based on what you said and your leaving is a great model for everyone to aspire to (I think!).
Interestingly, lately I've been so busy with work and family stuff and haven't been able to read the boards (also I've had a shift mentally in how I am dealing with my pain) and as a result I've seen marked improvements. I think that these boards serve their purpose and just like with TMS everyone's time frame differs. I do want you to know that many of your posts have been extremely valuable to my own success at becoming pain free. Thank you so very much and I wish you all the best in your future. --Jennifer P.S. I will definitely check out Katie's work. Thanks again! |
debbette |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 18:37:22 Armchair, In the short time I've been here, you've been incredibly helpful to me. Thank you. I'll miss your advice and really hope you pop in once in a while to say hello. Take care, Debbie |
skizzik |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 17:38:47 hey arm,
that katie is pretty influential huh!?
I think you just need a break. I can already feel my 10 day hiatus made a difference in my mood. Take a little break and check back maybe?
You recently said some influential things to me. 
winnieboo |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 15:37:42 Armchair, I haven't been here long, and I hope that I'm strong enough to make my own exit sooner rather than later, but I want you to know that you've been an inspiration to me. You are a very intelligent, well-spoken, compassionate and wise person, wise beyond your years! I'm sad to see you go, because I think that you ground the forum. It won't be the same without you. I have to say that I'm dumbfounded that you've been criticized, actually. Your posts are uniformly selfless and focus on the issues at hand. In any case, for the few posts you responded to on my behalf, thank you, thank you. And for the many I've read and will look back to read, know that I and many others will remember you and thank you again. Best wishes. The people who have you in their lives are lucky.
Oh, and by the way, whatever you do for living, I hope it includes writing. You have great clarity and flair. We'll miss you!--Louise