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 How to find psychologist- need a network

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hambone Posted - 09/10/2008 : 18:07:26
I've spent 25 years trying to find a psychologist who does the confrontational therapy I got from Dr Sarno's therapist in NYC in 1983. Several of you have helped me hone in on ISTDP which I just located near me in Washington DC. It took me 25 years to find this therapy and I'm very angry. I have treatment resistant depression and severe symptom imperative tms and have suffered greatly, partly because I could not find the right kind of deep therapy. In Divided Mind Sarno describes confrontational dynamic therapy but as far as I know he does nothing to help people find it. We need to fix this.
What can we do to make it easier for new tms patients to find good therapy and avoid walking in the desert for almost three decades?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
winnieboo Posted - 09/10/2008 : 18:17:18
Yes, it would be great if someone would/could create a referral network that was web accessible.

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