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 Allergies On Fire!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mk6283 Posted - 06/25/2008 : 18:03:52
So I'm in Austin for a couple weeks by my girlfriend's family and my allergies are acting up big time. I went for a run at the lake this morning, came home, and have been sneezing and woozy ever since. Truth is, the nose has been running ever since I got here. Perhaps its just the added allergens of Texas? It definitely isn't NYC around here. There are a lot more trees, flowers, and the like. No other TMS symptoms to report, but maybe those would just be too obvious? I guess my question is how often do the rest of you try to interpret/address your symptoms that are clearly psychosomatic versus just popping a pill and letting it be? Interpretation anyone? Thanks guys.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HilaryN Posted - 06/26/2008 : 15:15:05
Hi Mike,

How well do you get on with your gf's family? Do you know them well or are you still at the getting to know stage, maybe feeling you have to impress them / be on best behaviour?

Hilary N

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