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 Went to my pain management doctor today

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LuvtoSew Posted - 06/19/2008 : 10:43:28
knowing I wasn't going to get more shots( I had tried to cancell but they said I needed to come in for follow up). I got so anxious waiting for him my back started to hurt. I told him the shot didn't help my headache (had an occipital shot) and then he suggested accupuncture and I told him I'd have to think about it.

Came home and just wanted to lay down, felt so bad, but I like to clean so I just moped my kitchen and bath floors and said what the heck, if I feel worst so be it. But don't feel any worst just better my floors are clean.

Also I took smoking back up and said when I feel better I'll quit. But I hate the fact that I smoke, not that I care about cancer) but I hate the dirty nasty habit and bad taste in my mouth, so I think I'll just put the patch on - why am I'm waiting til I feel better, since I feel like **** may as well add cigaretter withdrawl to the list right. Everyone tells me not to quit now will just add to my stress, but maybe it'll make me feel like I have some control over my life which I feel at this point I have no control.

Also I use to have a total gym , sold and got a treadmil which I find boring. I loved the total gym and being on it, (I only have room for one exercse equipment at a time in my house) so I'm going to pack up my treadmill and get me another total gym and do it since I loved it.

At this point who cares , when you feel like crap whats the difference right.

I am reading Dr Brady now, have all of Sarno's book.

Sometimes you just get so sick of being sick and tired.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Scottydog Posted - 06/19/2008 : 20:02:49

Sounds like all these things are distractions - telling yourself to stop smoking, whether or not to have acupuncture, which gym you like or not. Also you sound depressed (also a distraction), oh and you have anxiety (yet another TMS symptom).

So best advice is reread MBP, journal, journal, journal. Take enjoyable exercise to get the endorphins going - who cares whether you are fit or not.

I found this website recently and liked the advice for depression and the anger work-out. Maybe they will give you some ideas.
(can't see any obvious adverising on it)

LuvtoSew Posted - 06/19/2008 : 14:45:40
Thanks for listening. Yes I think I will quit smoking tomorrow!!!
woodyb Posted - 06/19/2008 : 13:19:44
I had chewed for 6 years, and I realized that whenever something would stress me out, I'd throw a dip in.. Instead of facing what I needed to, I would do that and it would help take my mind off of things... I would honestly recommend stopping, I've been quit for 3 months now! Its the first few days that are the hardest.. Once you get past them, You're so glad!

clarajones Posted - 06/19/2008 : 12:00:22
Whether its alright now?
I thing you should reduce the workouts on gym....

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