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 Poker and TMS

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mk6283 Posted - 06/18/2008 : 08:26:22
I don't know if any of you are into poker at all, but I just read this from Daniel Negreanu's poker blog where he provides frequent updates of his status in the various tournaments:

8:37 PM EST - "Pretty much have lost every pot so far. Down to 6500"
8:41 PM EST - "Fighting off an alergy attack right now"
9:24 PM EST - "Pretty awful start so far with 5800 at a juicy table"
9:40 PM EST - "My head feels like its going to explode

Note: he has also complained about what was clearly TMS back pain in past blog entries. I guess the World Series of Poker can be pretty stressful...

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
la_kevin Posted - 06/19/2008 : 12:45:10
Daniel seems like a COMPLETE TMS prone person. He is uncomfortable in his skin every time I see him. Pay attention to his nervous tics sometimes. His eyes blink, he shrugs his shoulders. The dude is nervous ball of energy.

And he just happens to be the competitive genius that loves to be 'number #1'.

Just look at him!!!!! He's a autonomic mess. I always thought that about Daniel. Same with Allen Cunningham and others. I bet you they all have muscle tension like a mother.

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans"- John Lennon
Odrog Posted - 06/19/2008 : 09:23:39
Yea, definitely sounds like he is experiencing mind-body symptoms. I'm a recreational poker player too. He'd do well if he actually recognized and overcame his problem - I could see TMS as being a big distraction for a serious poker player, not to mention the possibility of tells that could result.

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