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 A Side Effect Of TMS Work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
la_kevin Posted - 06/11/2008 : 22:22:34
Had this nagging skin rash on my inner thigh for months. Now that my TMS has subsided, the rash went away too. I wasn't really one to believe that TMS caused skin irritations like that. Acne yes, but this was a flaky white rash that covered about a square inch. It never got bigger or smaller, just the same.

SO now it's totally gone. Guess that would be evidence of something.

Good side effect though.

"Over thinking...over analyzing...separates the body from the mind." Maynard from the band TOOL
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mizlorinj Posted - 06/12/2008 : 13:26:45
Kevin, happy to hear your rash went away.
The way I see it is: any condition can be a mind/body thing.

RE: Acne, funny, my son's face has cleared up now that graduation time is here! I told him isn't it proof acne is from stress!

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