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 Dr. Schubiner's TMS/MBS Blog

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mk6283 Posted - 06/11/2008 : 18:24:38
It appears that Dr. Schubiner has started a blog on his website that is devoted to TMS/MBS. I'm sure many of you will find his thoughts as helpful and interesting as I do. Enjoy!

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LuvtoSew Posted - 07/03/2008 : 06:47:24
Looks like its $250, I haven't taken the course but have been thinking about it.
hkp Posted - 07/02/2008 : 15:53:57
How much does this on-line course cost? As you've been taking it, so you think it's worth it?
Bacchus Posted - 06/15/2008 : 08:41:06
It's a 4 week course but as far as I know you can take as long as you like. Dr. Schubiner mentions that it's best to work on the course daily to benefit the most but he does not mention a time limit. If you want to know for sure email him from his website.
take care,
LuvtoSew Posted - 06/15/2008 : 06:55:34
Is there a time limit on his online course- like you need to do it in 6 months or something like that. Thanks.
Bacchus Posted - 06/15/2008 : 05:43:48
I'm taking his online course.
southpaw Posted - 06/14/2008 : 07:46:58
Bacchus are you taking his online coarse or going to see him?
Bacchus Posted - 06/13/2008 : 14:40:29
This guys is spot on. I'm half way through his course and have found that the way he explains Dr. Sarno's concepts seems more I can related to it better. Put another way, I feel like Dr Schubiner's lessons don't leave me wondering if certain concepts apply to me. Oh, and it helps that he answers your questions quickly and with a lot of compassion.

mk6283 Posted - 06/12/2008 : 17:15:46
Sagelady, I just remembered that I owe you an e-mail. So sorry, I've been pretty busy. I hope all is well with you. How have you been doing? I'll try and write back soon. Take care.

RageSootheRatio Posted - 06/12/2008 : 11:02:44
Very interesting blog. thanks for alerting us! I do wonder whether anyone with phantom limb pain has resolved / cured it through a TMS approach!
Capn Spanky Posted - 06/12/2008 : 11:00:44
Excellent. Thanks!
sagelady Posted - 06/12/2008 : 02:35:14
You beat me to it MK.
Dr. Schubiner ask that we let you all kmow about his new blog. He also said to let you know he will answer questions that are posted on it.


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