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 Coincidence or an equivalent??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
penguins Posted - 06/09/2008 : 12:07:35
Hi there, I started my TMS work back in March and I had been pretty much 90-95% pain free in my neck. That little lingering bit was annoying. I finally just this past week am now 99-100%. It feels wonderful. However, wouldn't you know that on top of my plantar fasciitis which I have had no luck with (and since being more active has gotten worse), now I have numbness and tingling in my left foot and pain when I press the ball of my foot. I have it ever so slightly in the right foot too. I know there's a name for that condition in the medical world and it's something like metatarsalgia or a nueroma or something like that. I refuse to Google it however because I want to believe it's an equivalent. My problem that is holding me back from just ignoring it is that I have this fear that since the plantar faciitis is worse (and I've had it for well over a year and a half) that this new symptom is a result of the pf getting worse (and my not resting my feet).

I guess I'm just looking for thoughts and maybe someone who's had similar foot issues. Oh and I just realized something as I'm typing this. I had a rough therapy session last week where I felt angry at my therapist and not really understood by her. I've been dwelling on it a lot.

Thanks for any input that you'd be willing to share. It's greatly appreciated!
--Jennifer :)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
penguins Posted - 06/09/2008 : 17:30:19
Hi Peg, thanks for your reply. I journaled right after I posted. I'm using the Schecter one and since it's so limited in space, didn't go into the whole therapist issue. But I will do that in a blank book because I think you are right that I need to.

But listen to this. I wound up giving in and Googling neuroma despite promising myself I wouldn't. It said that they are usually felt between the 3rd and 4th toes. My pain was under my big toe. Would you believe that about an hour and a half later there was NO PAIN under the big toe but it now hurt between the third and fourth? Insane. It still hurts there and the foot is more numb than tingling.

This stuff is truly amazing to me. As someone said in a post I read, the pain has to go somewhere until you deal with the emotions. I do find it very difficult to accept that all of this is the cause of my plantar faciitis. Even with this silly toe thing today (which is proof unto itself I think), there must be a part of me that doesn't want to let go of the pf. It's served as a great distraction and caused much turmoil for over a year and a half. I guess I just have to keep trying and try my best to ignore the physical. It's so hard. But I have to be positive. If I was able to become pain free from my "herniated disc", I have got to believe the same can happen for me feet.

Have a great night!
--Jennifer :)

Peg Posted - 06/09/2008 : 16:28:42
you wrote:
and I just realized something as I'm typing this. I had a rough therapy session last week where I felt angry at my therapist and not really understood by her. I've been dwelling on it a lot.

This is the most important part of your post. Journal in depth about this and anything else that bothers you.

Your foot symptoms sound like tms too (plantar fasciits is another bogus diagnosis for tms). Address them the same way you did your neck pain and they should go away. Re-read Dr. Sarno's book as well.

Good luck

In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei

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