T O P I C R E V I E W |
LuvtoSew |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 09:40:20 on prolotherapy, and pete Egoscue about body imbalance. Just having a hard time to decide on what avenue to take. I have sacrum and tailbone pain ever since chiro smaked me down there a couple years ago and I have tmj , facial spasms, right arm and neck.
A few years ago I have always been pain free except occ. lower back.
I do have a long hx of MS. I have always liked to exercise nothing to much but stretching and the total gym..
I am a RN so the thought of body imbalance hits home as my pelvis is torqued now, and I do believe in concept of weak tendons.
It is so hard to really make some form of decision. I have journaled to my hearts content also.
Quite frustrating. I met a friend out camping a few years ago and she has about every condition there is , allergies, IBS, bunions, and terrible fibromyalgia and we have been emailing for the last 3 years. She says there is no cure for her fibro and she constantly talks about and describes her pain in a lot of detail (I'm sure she is in pain- but it does kinda coincide with how well her husband is behaving and she feels better also when she is shopping alot)
Anyway I have kinda quit emailing telling her I need to just concentrate on healing as I kinda feel reading about her pain is just making me depressed. I am the type that doesn't like to talk about my pains so much. I now feel quilty that I kinda ended things with her but I felt like I was her sounding board.
Well I'm 53 in good health, except for the ms, but I smoke also which I need to quit. |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
drziggles |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 14:46:02 Gotta be honest--doesn't sound like you're anywhere near accepting that TMS is the problem that you have (if it is, in fact). As long as you are going down all of those various physical pathways, you are unlikely to benefit from Sarno's books...
Reread your initial post--except for the title and one line about journaling, there is absolutely nothing about TMS or emotional issues, etc, but a whole lot of stuff about physical symptoms and treatments. I think that says a lot. |
LuvtoSew |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 12:06:50 Thanks for replying. The one thing Egoscue said is that our bodies are not fragile and they are made to move which corresponds to what Sarno says too, which is the hard part when your in pain.
Now I see the cranial osteopath and tmj dentist every two weeks as my bite is way off, I had a bad set of upper dentures and lower partial made a few years ago which set this off. So I really need to continue with getting my bite right.
But I do agree about the rest , its the stress of it all, and anxiety that goes along with it.
armchairlinguist |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 11:31:54 Yep. I've been pain-free for two years now (from RSI symptoms).
I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, because I also had the experience of not committing. For about six months after I bought The Mindbody Prescription I remained kind of unconvinced and uncommitted. I did some of the stuff, like making a pressures list, but basically I was still in the physical mode. Not surprisingly, nothing happened for me until I really committed. Then, I got pretty much immediate results, though it took a few months to be back to 'normal'.
I should note that I also owned an Egoscue book and found it completely useless, in the end. :)
-- It's not 100% belief that's required, but 100% commitment. |
LuvtoSew |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 09:52:47 Yep, thats my problem, not making my mind up. Thank you. Have you been able to rid your pain using sarno's teachings? |
armchairlinguist |
Posted - 06/04/2008 : 09:49:15 If you've "journaled to your heart's content" but still aren't settled on whether you believe you have TMS, the journaling is going to do very little good. Commitment to the method, and acceptance of the principles, is primary for Sarno, not journaling. If you believe in the concept of weak tendons, you are not doing the TMS method; thus, no matter what you do as far as TMS 'work', likely you will make no progress.
I can't recall your symptoms and history (though I do remember you have posted in the past) and anyway I'm not a doctor so I can't give you any opinions on what the right choice for you is. But I can tell you that for TMS you have to commit or it doesn't work, and I can tell you that because it says it right up front in the books.
Make a decision. Any decision. 100% commitment. And if you've been checked out for other causes of pain and they can't find anything, and clearly chiro is not helping you (rather hurting you it seems), I would recommend committing to TMS.
-- It's not 100% belief that's required, but 100% commitment. |