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 changes in daily life, pursuing interests

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dschid Posted - 05/31/2008 : 13:12:41
So I have had a broad array of TMS symptoms and equivalents for the past 8 years or so. For a year and a half I've been working with one of Sarno's therapists. I'm definitely one of those people who has been trying really hard to get to all the feelings I have inside. I've been journaling religiously for a long time now.

So my question is, have any of you seen symptoms improve by making a change in your daily life, or getting involved in an interest you had? I really do feel sometimes like I've gotten to a huge amount of that repressed emotional stuff that Sarno talks about. But I'm not happy and definitely don't have a fulfilling life.

So again, have any of you seen your symptoms improve, or go away, as the result of a change in your life? Be it starting to learn to play that instrument you've always wanted to learn to play, or getting into a new relationship??
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wavy Soul Posted - 06/02/2008 : 01:20:33
Also, for me, the whole point of doing the inner work is to get back on a healthy life-track which I would (somewhat nervously, here) call my "soul's true path."

It's hard to be fully on my soul's true path if I am suppressing lots of feelings. But when I clear that up to some degree, all kinds of changes seem to unfold naturally. I don't resist them, and they have led my life into a completely different place from where I was a couple of years ago. I am doing much less, making more money, and spending more time alone than I would have ever thought possible.

To my surprise, the loss of many of the things I thought were necessary has actually brought me more peace. I can see that there has been a guiding thread that has brought me into Sarno and other work to unravel some of that knots I had gotten into on my journey as a human. But that isn't the goal, and nor is curing my so-called symptoms. The actual goal is something I might call PEACE, experienced at a deeper level than I had ever imagined. And it has involved the inner "work" and also many outer changes, which have flowed smoothly back and forth like a river.

Peace is an amazing goal, and much more workable than "no symptoms" or something like that. And really, once peace is my goal, I become less driven, because anything else would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?


Love is the answer, whatever the question
armchairlinguist Posted - 06/01/2008 : 07:44:50
Hear, hear to what West said. Brilliant post.

It's not 100% belief that's required, but 100% commitment.
westcoastram Posted - 05/31/2008 : 21:28:11

I think pushing yourself to pursue the things you'd like to do in your life despite the symptoms can be difficult at times but extremely productive:

1) If it's anything physical, doing it will help you move along the lines of repudiating the physical. IMO, getting back to the gym, even though I was fearful helped accelerate getting over a lot of my physical symptoms.

2) While Sarno and others hold that we do not have to change anything in our life to get better, I find that in the severest cases, making life changes or pursuing life goals (which always seem to be fraught with fear and difficulty) can have an amazing impact on your symptoms.

3) Even if you don't buy into needing to change things in your life to get over the symptoms... the simple act of pursuing your goals, changing your routine, removing or overcoming obstacles in your life brings new context and nuance to your examination (whether through journaling or therapy) of emotions and stressors. This context may be needed for you to see and/or experience the depth - the sheer magnitude - of your feelings and may go a long way in removing the symptoms.


JohnD Posted - 05/31/2008 : 14:46:40
Yes! Definitely! Do whatever you can to have fun, to be around people you enjoy and to just be a normal person!

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