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 TMS Work is Like Medicine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AmyAJJ Posted - 05/29/2008 : 00:05:06
Tonight I realized that I often treated my TMS work as if it were some clever or cute idea that I learned about at a self-help workshop. I haven't given it (the journaling, reminders, self-talk, etc) the same respect that I give to a set of antibiotic pills that I might be given for an infection, for example. If I get that medicine I take it dutifully and I take it seriously.

Confession: I have not been taking my TMS work seriously. I have not seen it like medicine. I've been treating it like a hobby or just as something interesting about myself that I've become aware of. As if my TMS diagnosis were on the same level as finding out what number I was on the Enneagram after answering a series of questions. Earth to self: TMS is so NOT on the same level as the Enneagram. It's an actual medical condition!

I think for me if I start seeing my TMS work with the same eyes that I see antibiotics or other important medicine, that I will make more progress because I'll be taking it all more seriously (in a good way, not a stressful panicked way). It seems like doing that would help me believe in my diagnosis more and help me have more acceptance of it.
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AmyAJJ Posted - 06/02/2008 : 08:23:47
You're right it's really about us doing the TMS work and not just having the easy way of taking a pill that will work its magic once its inside us. I have to remind myself that coming to this forum and reading/replying to posts is not my TMS work either!

Just because I spend 15-20 minutes here looking at what others are going through and respond to posts sometimes, it's not the same as doing the reading of the reminders, doing the journaling, talking to my mind/pain, meditating, etc. That's my real TMS work.

How nice that you're finding gratitude for your back. Let us know if talking to it that way is helping with the pain!
mala Posted - 06/01/2008 : 17:49:18
Good post Amy.

Perhaps it is so musch easier to take a pill 3 times a day and forget about it. The pills take care of you. After a week or so you feel better. With TMS YOU have to do the work. The journalling which is so crucial to recovery requires that you make time, sit down and actually think about what is happening in your life. Most people will avoid that. But it is the only thing that really really works.

We humans want quick fixes and I think TMS makes you slow down and really take stock of what is happening in your life. The only way the brain knows how is to make you sick enough and then you take notice.

One new thing that I started to do is to praise my back or whatever part of my body that is hurting. I realised that my back has been carrying me around for nearly 50 years. Of the 50, 40 were fantastic and I never once had any pain or problem but I never bothered to even once say thank you to it for doing its job so well and now all I do is curse and shout at it. Poor back! We take time to thank others around us and to praise them when they have done something good no matter how small it is so why do we fail to thank ourselves? Why are we so harsh on ourselves? So I have started thanking my back for being so strong and telling it that I will acknowledge all the good work it has done, look after it and that we will heal.

I really think my back likes being spoken to nicely.

Good Luck & Good Health
AmyAJJ Posted - 06/01/2008 : 09:00:51
Originally posted by mizlorinj

Thanks for your post Amy.

Your post reminded me of author/teacher Marianne Williamson. I recently saw her speak in NY and Q&A came up. Same story each time, some quite sad, underlying question was: why is this "regimen" not working for me? She would ask: are you meditating, praying, reading the book (Course in Miracles), etc. Same answers: um, well, yeah,--at which point she probed more and the truthful answer was: no.
If you want results, you must do the work! OH and she used the example: if I gave you a pill and told you it works, wouldn't you take it??

Happy you're on your way to healing. This is serious stuff and IT WORKS! There are plenty of us who have had TMS badly and we do not have it now. But it took work to get to this point.

Thanks, Lori. I can relate to that story from M.W. I've been better about doing my TMS stuff regularly instead of just when I "feel like it". I'm going to stick with it as best I can. I do want to be pain-free again.
joan Posted - 05/29/2008 : 15:11:45
Originally posted by mizlorinj

Thanks for your post Amy.

Your post reminded me of author/teacher Marianne Williamson. I recently saw her speak in NY and Q&A came up. Same story each time, some quite sad, underlying question was: why is this "regimen" not working for me? She would ask: are you meditating, praying, reading the book (Course in Miracles), etc. Same answers: um, well, yeah,--at which point she probed more and the truthful answer was: no.
If you want results, you must do the work! OH and she used the example: if I gave you a pill and told you it works, wouldn't you take it??

Happy you're on your way to healing. This is serious stuff and IT WORKS! There are plenty of us who have had TMS badly and we do not have it now. But it took work to get to this point.

mizlorinj Posted - 05/29/2008 : 09:10:11
Thanks for your post Amy.

Your post reminded me of author/teacher Marianne Williamson. I recently saw her speak in NY and Q&A came up. Same story each time, some quite sad, underlying question was: why is this "regimen" not working for me? She would ask: are you meditating, praying, reading the book (Course in Miracles), etc. Same answers: um, well, yeah,--at which point she probed more and the truthful answer was: no.
If you want results, you must do the work! OH and she used the example: if I gave you a pill and told you it works, wouldn't you take it??

Happy you're on your way to healing. This is serious stuff and IT WORKS! There are plenty of us who have had TMS badly and we do not have it now. But it took work to get to this point.
AmyAJJ Posted - 05/29/2008 : 08:59:50
I'm starting my morning today by coming here and looking at the forum to give myself some of my TMS work medicine. Now onto the journaling and some reconditioning meditation for my mind.

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