T O P I C R E V I E W |
kalo |
Posted - 08/25/2007 : 11:51:10 Hi All,
Some of you may remember that I posted a couple of weeks ago in regards to my hand situation. I started having ONE joint pain and thought it was due to over usage of my hand.
I immediately sought my MD who gave me X-rays, bloodwork. Well, here is what happened. He called me back LAST Friday and wanted me to come back for initial testing.
The Nurse wouldn't tell me what was going on so naturally being the hypochondriac that I am I started FREAKING OUT!!! My weekend was ruined and thought of having some autoimmune disease FREAKED me out even worst.
Well come Monday, I saw the doc. who said that I tested a "false" positive for rhematoid. He said there was a half percent I even had it because my "ANA" came back NEGATIVE. So, just to make sure everything is okay, he did further testing.
I had them down last Monday and haven't heard back so I am assumming that I am in the clear and nothing is wrong.
The problem is my hand pain is WORST now and I am trying like anything to incorporate Dr. Sarno's work, but the problem is I have DOUBTS, and the worst thing I could of done before all this went down is research on the internet Rhematoid Arthritis and or autoimmune disease. All that stuff poisoned my mind.
So, here are my questions:
#1) With all the testing that I took and nothing was found how can I forget about what I read on the internet and concentrate on believing the TMS theory?
#2) The pain started out only in one joint and yesterday my fingers were hurting all over...Granted I STRESSED myself in to a frenzy to the point that the doc. had to give me lozaprham to quite my nerves.
#3) Does my hand pain sound like TMS. If I saw Dr. Sarno, we he tell me to stop getting test and it's more likely TMS? My M.D. did go to town on me...He did what he had to do so it's not like he did do his part.
Thanks, Kalo
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
kalo |
Posted - 08/27/2007 : 10:45:42 Actually my nerves were a little shaken at first, but I am doing better. As I stated the last time I went in for bloodwork my doc. called me FIVE days later (the same week) to go over my test results and to have more tests done. It was LAST Monday and by now I am sure if anything was really serious he would of called Friday.
Still waiting is the hardest thing...Thanks for all your support! And yeah, the Internet is the WORST and not only that you can always find the Worst case scenario!!! I've since stopped looking!!! |
h2oskier25 |
Posted - 08/27/2007 : 08:53:47 quote: Originally posted by kalo
You know I think I am just going to wait and try not to worry so much.
Yeah, that seems reasonable. It's not like you are freaking out and needing drugs to calm your nerves over it or anything . . . 
Stop reading stuff on the internet that isn't Sarno related. You wouldn't BELIEVE all the ailments you can have if you read enough health sites on the interenet.
I do understand that calling your Dr. in this day in age isn't a friendly thing like it used to be, and you would probably just be given a frustrating run around from surly underpaid staff.
Boy, am I feeling cynical this morning !!
Beth |
kalo |
Posted - 08/26/2007 : 15:33:08 Hi armchairlinguist,
You know I think I am just going to wait and try not to worry so much.
I pretty sure if there was something wrong my doc. would of called. I just have to keep in my that TMS is part of my life and you're right if the test comeback normal, I'll be working throughly on the TMS factor.
Thanks for the reply! |
armchairlinguist |
Posted - 08/26/2007 : 14:15:13 Very simple: Call them and ask. You will find out and then you will know: normal.
Then you can ignore everything and focus on TMS because you have been thoroughly checked.
Get a mental mantra going with the TMS essentials that you can turn to when you have doubts.
-- Wherever you go, there you are. |
kalo |
Posted - 08/25/2007 : 12:42:15 Hi skizzik,
I am assuming that if something was wrong, I would of gotten a call from my Docs. office. A week ago, my doc. called me to come in this last Monday for more testing JUST to make sure everything was okay. I went back August 20th for more testings and I am POSITIVE that I would of gotten a call last Friday if they found anything wrong. The Lab tech told me that it takes only a couple of days for test results to come in.
I am stressing and I do have Health Anxiety really bad which I am sure only increases pain.
Thanks for the reply! |
skizzik |
Posted - 08/25/2007 : 12:36:16 so your'e pain is getting worse as you await results. This will be interesting because once they come bk normal again (hopefully of course) it will be interesting to see how soon your pain vanishes. |