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 My newest TMS syptom is Dr. Sarno's fault

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikescott_98 Posted - 08/15/2007 : 07:04:46
Not that I am worried about it, but after watching Dr. Sarno's video again, I started getting getting pain in my jaw. He discusses TMJ and low and behold a few days later, I got it just as he describes. I can't believe I let my mind get me like that. Well pass the celery sticks and sandwich stacked a mile high because it's not going to slow me down.....except to post it here.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
justme Posted - 08/15/2007 : 21:55:21
Well, according to Sarno, the mind goes with trendy pain problems that show up in society as socially acceptable. I remember reading that in MBP. Know wonder I am currently suffering from chest pain
(thought to be reflux). Has anyone gone thru a single day without seeing a major advertisement for Prilosec or Nexium? I seem them all the time in Sam's Club, supermarket, subways, magazines, TV. Brainwashing is what it is. They are very guilt oriented ads that make you feel like you are a very irresponsible person if you dont take care of the fact that your esophagus is being eaten away. LOL. The guilt plays into my persona and emotional issues very well.

skizzik Posted - 08/15/2007 : 19:43:24
you mean reappeared on your "right" knee?
Scottydog Posted - 08/15/2007 : 16:08:11

Yes, it's amazing how symptoms can develop - I have had tinnitus and dizzyness after reading posts about them on this messageboard.

Be warned!


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