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 Has anyone had numbness that went away?

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HellNY Posted - 08/12/2007 : 09:11:18

The title says it all? I can actually conceive of how you can learn to disempower the pain until it vanishes. But how do you "ignore and/or yell at numbness" and get feeling back? Does that actually work?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skizzik Posted - 08/15/2007 : 15:48:48
Originally posted by Nor

I will spare you my whole emotional explanation of why b/c its complicated and not relevant. The key is that it WAS emotional.

Don't spare anyone, I think this w/b helpful to many of us. Perhaps, key us in on a future posting.
Logan Posted - 08/15/2007 : 08:46:14
I had numbness and a weird electrical shock feeling that would shoot down both arms. I developed these about three years after the initial onset of TMS neck pain and they scared the crap out of me. I did wonder if I had some neurological thing.

But in a way they were a blessing because they were so obviously connected to suppressed anger or fear. After I read The Mindbody Prescription and started paying attention to every thought and feeling that flashed across my consciousness before being suppressed, I saw how the electrical shock immediately followed a "bad" feeling.

And the numbness and tinglings were the first thing I was able to get rid of using the techniques I learned on this board, and from Dr. Sarno's instructions that he included with the video tapes, and the exercises I started doing after reading the book Facing the Fire (author's last name is Lee).

For me, knowledge wasn't enough, I had to physically exorcise some anger so the anger release exercises from Lee's book proved to be the missing piece of the TMS cure.

I've been pain free now for almost four years now. I'm having a little neck/shoulder "flare up" right now. It's typical for me to have one the week before school starts. I'm a grad student and also a teacher of Freshman English.

I've had a handful of these flares since kicking TMS and when I do, I come on here to remind myself of what I'm dealing with - lots of fear about being rejected and anger about needing people to approve of me and let's not forget anger/grief at my own mortality (being in my late thirties and awash in a sea of 19 year olds is tough for me) - and how to deal with it. I just gotta deal with it, actively, as Mala accurately noted in a recent post.

After I sign off here I'll journal and do my favorite anger release exercise which is to beat on my couch with a miniature baseball bat. I can't afford a punching bag so it's a nice cheap alternative. : )
Logan Posted - 08/15/2007 : 08:44:37
I had numbness and a weird electrical shock feeling that would shoot down both arms. I developed these about three years after the initial onset of TMS neck pain and they scared the crap out of me. I did wonder if I had some neurological thing.

But in a way they were a blessing because they were so obviously connected to suppressed anger or fear. After I read The Mindbody Prescription and started paying attention to every thought and feeling that flashed across my consciousness before being suppressed, I saw how the electrical shock immediately followed a "bad" feeling.

And the numbness and tinglings were the first thing I was able to get rid of using the techniques I learned on this board, and from Dr. Sarno's instructions that he included with the video tapes, and the exercises I started doing after reading the book Facing the Fire (author's last name is Lee).

For me, knowledge wasn't enough, I had to physically exorcise some anger so the anger release exercises from Lee's book proved to be the missing piece of the TMS cure.

I've been pain free now for almost four years now. I'm having a little neck/shoulder "flare up" right now. It's typical for me to have one the week before school starts. I'm a grad student and also a teacher of Freshman English.

I've had a handful of these flares since kicking TMS and when I do, I come on here to remind myself of what I'm dealing with - lots of fear about being rejected and anger about needing people to approve of me and let's not forget anger/grief at my own mortality (being in my late thirties and awash in a sea of 19 year olds is tough for me) - and how to deal with it. I just gotta deal with it, actively, as Mala accurately noted in a recent post.

After I sign off here I'll journal and do my favorite anger release exercise which is to beat on my couch with a miniature baseball bat. I can't afford a punching bag so it's a nice cheap alternative. : )
Redsandro Posted - 08/13/2007 : 18:37:58
I had numbness in both my arms for about three weeks. Turned out to be a massive nerve inflammation, I think caused by long term oxygen depravation and who knows what else. I thought this time I really reached the point of no return with my RSI.

Then ofcourse I learned that this very physical problem was caused by my autonomic nerve system as ordered by my unconscious. I cured, got rid of my RSI, and to my surprise there was no damage at all, even though during this numb period I was convinced I was screwed.

Now I am strong like a bull. Come on over and I'll give you a demonstration.
shawnsmith Posted - 08/13/2007 : 16:54:56
Originally posted by Nor

I was totally convinced I had a neurological disease.

Isn't amazing that we jump to all kinds of these crazy conclusions yet have no basis at all for doing so? Most of us don't even know what "neurological" means yet with great ease can talk about "neurological disease." We watch way too many medical shows on TV.

Sarno-ize it!
Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." It's all you need to know in order to recover.
Hestia Posted - 08/12/2007 : 21:39:50
I had a neuropathy in my foot. I was diagnosed with tarsal tunnel. I had numbness in my foot that spread up my leg a bit. Had a nerve conduction study, took neurontin etc. the numbness came after having plantar fasciitis for a while. For me, the numbness went away faster and easier than the pain. Good luck.
Susie Posted - 08/12/2007 : 19:52:23
I had numbness in my right hand and arm. The right side of my mouth twitched as well as my fingers. I was sure I had a brain tumor. It all left along with the back pain.
Nor Posted - 08/12/2007 : 17:05:51
Absolutely. I had numbness all over that moved around - I was totally convinced I had a neurological disease. All the tests came back normal and then about a year later I developed muscle/joint pain and severe headaches which convinced me I had fibromyalgia. ( I work in health care and know too much.) Anyway, before I entered that medical jigsaw, I stumbled upon Sarno. I'm so thankful. I will spare you my whole emotional explanation of why b/c its complicated and not relevant. The key is that it WAS emotional. I'm not symptom free and I still suffer from TMS in other ways but its a whole new ballgame now that I'm aware of the process. Keep working.
kalo Posted - 08/12/2007 : 14:41:27
YEP!!! About three months ago I couldn't feel the left part of my right leg.

Got parnoid thinkg I was going to die and thought I had the worst neuro muscular disease and after going to the doc. and him not worrying about it, this never satisfied me.

I racked up tons of medical bills because I was then sent for an MRI in my back and then to see a neurologist who did confirm I had an impinge nerve from CROSSING my Leg and that in a couple of months it would heal.

Well, I just chalked it down to TMS and it went away!!!!

Good Luck!
altherunner Posted - 08/12/2007 : 13:48:31
I had numbness in my fingers of my right hand, I had an injection in a cervical disc(did nothing), and was on a wait list for neck surgery
when I read about Dr. Sarno.
skizzik Posted - 08/12/2007 : 11:01:54
that appears to be another grey area on the board. Sarno says "TMS must be fought, confronted.""Talk/shout at your mind". However, I think the vets on the board would be more in the "you have to accept the pain/numbness, then do the work and let the TMS fade away".

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