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 Update--tired but still fighting!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stanfr Posted - 06/05/2007 : 19:04:44
I've gone 36 hours now with a major reduction in symptoms. A couple days ago i spent hours just contemplating all the repressed emotions etc, and my body reacted by giving me major stomach distress, a sore throat, and major fatigue. I looked at this as a positive sign though it aint too pleasant. I'm really struggling to keep up the 'psychological thinking' though, the more i do it the lousier i feel both physically and mentally, even if it may help in the long run. Right now, it's the dread of symptoms returning that is really testing me, sine the only way i know to combat the fear is to 'go back to the list' which is pretty depressing in its own right. I think that the major hurdle is the fact that much has been written about TMS, so it's easier to grapple with, which is why my mind has switched to dermatologic/immune symtoms; more mysterious. When neck pain reappeared last week, i simply dismissed it and it went away in two days. But it's tougher to deal with something you can actually see! I know i'm gonna beat this though.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
h2oskier25 Posted - 06/07/2007 : 09:57:52
Hi Stan,

What part of CO do you live in. I'm 5th generation Denverite, (but don't live there now).

I would LOVE to move back . . .

shawnsmith Posted - 06/07/2007 : 07:09:48
Originally posted by skizzik

I can't get contact w/ a Tms dr. to save my life

So don't. Many on this board have never been to a TMS doctor including myself. There is nothing they can tell you that is not already in Dr. Sarno's books and taped lecture.

Sarno-ize it!
Do you have a pain-prone personality?
skizzik Posted - 06/06/2007 : 20:16:10
I can't get contact w/ a Tms dr. to save my life
stanfr Posted - 06/06/2007 : 20:14:48
i live in CO, but i used to l ive in NY and was a patient of Sarno about 10 yrs ago; so he speaks to former patients i guess!
skizzik Posted - 06/06/2007 : 19:36:33
how did you speak to Sarno? Do you live in NYC or NJ?
stanfr Posted - 06/06/2007 : 00:03:12
Thanks, i appreciate the encouragement!
I'll note that when i spoke briefly to Sarno a week or so ago, he was very insistent that i not refer to my present condition as "TMS" but a "TMS equivalent" I didnt think it was that significant since it's the same underlying cause, but he insists, so "TMS equivalent" it is!
shawnsmith Posted - 06/05/2007 : 20:10:36
Originally posted by stanfr

I'm really struggling to keep up the 'psychological thinking' though....

Try, as best you can, to get on with your life and do things that will keep you obsessing about your symptoms. Contine to do the reading from Dr. Sarno's book every day as a reminder. Also, try not to write or speak your symptoms as doing so draws attention to your physical body.

Dr. Sarno writes:

"In order to get the brain to stop the psychosomatic process, they must:

* Repudiate the physical structural explanation for the pain and attribute it instead to the benign altered physiology, the physical-emotional basis of TMS.

* Recognize that the pain is a reaction to a psychological state and that the tendency to have the physical reactions of TMS and its equivalents is universal and a normal component of everyday life.

It is essential to establish the fact that nothing will change symptomatically unless those two conditions are met. This follows from the fact that the purpose of symptoms is to divert attention from unconscious emotional phenomena. If patients denigrate the physical symptom and focus instead on things psychological, they have effectively undermined the unconscious brain's strategy. This is not mere theory - it has been demonstrated in thousands of patients." (The Divided Mind, page 136).

Sarno-ize it!
Do you have a pain-prone personality?

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