T O P I C R E V I E W |
westcoastram |
Posted - 08/11/2006 : 00:45:13 Just thought it would be interesting if people wanted to list the things they've overcome or at least have taken control of with Sarno's approach.
Maybe we could keep a running list in one thread??
For me:
I've recovered completely from two "shoulder injuries" which caused a great deal of pain and limited mobility.
I am 95% recovered from a siatica type pain in my leg which only shows up periodically throughout the week.
I've recovered from sever stomach cramps which actually started when I began to explore Sarno's method and fight the pain.
I'm very intrigued by the individual nature of everyone's issues.
So often, especially when talking to other people whom I suspect have TMS or an equivalent (there's this girl with ezema that I know and I just guarantee it's TMSish), they say, "well, that's what you had, it's not what I have." I wonder if it might not be beneficial to say, "hey, I know someone who had what you had too, and they got better." |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Wavy Soul |
Posted - 04/06/2013 : 16:57:53 OMG - I had a screaming symptom for the last 4 days (head spasms so painful I couldn't see) and it's GONE down the drain of LAUGHING my arse off at TMS
Keep em' coming ...
Love is the answer, whatever the question |
eric watson |
Posted - 04/06/2013 : 05:54:53 Guys I've at 1 time or another had all these issues Even the hip , from all the study's id just most the time ignore the lighter issues and they'd fade and go away it was the more emotional stuff that really had me wrapped into my last bought of focused pain and anxiety before I found sarno I even thought the cfs I had for two years was healed by antibiotics and now I know it was from doing sarnos program and not giving in to the bully. I salute you all for being more than conquerors pspa yes I was diagnosed with AF I took what the doctor said as wrong since at the time I was working in extreme heat and thought id had a stroke and then I thought id better quit thinking that so I did and it went away with rest and exercise. the only thing on this list I haven't had is dandruff so there ya go bless you all your my heroes
chickenbone |
Posted - 04/06/2013 : 01:22:18 here is my list:
LBP with sciatica right hip pain pins and needles in legs and back planter fascitis foot pain and cramps loose stool tachycardia and heart palpitations allergies stuffed up nose and asthma itchy skin insomnia dry eye ear pain and itching headache
Wavy Soul |
Posted - 04/05/2013 : 21:35:54 Can we keep going with this list please?
I was forum-googling ear/jaw/neck pain –– I had a migraine, then it left a spasm going every so often. I forget about it, and then when the spasm happens it's so f*ing painful, and I go into that thing of worrying about it - again and again... I keep catching myself doing that and realizing, AGAIN, that it's TMS, but I could use a bit of support here because it really hurts right now...
Love is the answer, whatever the question |
Gemini6 |
Posted - 07/30/2012 : 17:13:06 Here's my list: knee pain (3 arthroscopy surgeries) depression (on & off for most of my life) anxiety (situational) tennis elbow hives, itching, eczema
Now I have hearing loss, tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus. Hoping it's all TMS related and will go away as soon as I deal w/the emotional issues. |
donnroc |
Posted - 07/26/2012 : 01:08:02 This is great!.I just read something today that said all diseases start at the point of misaligned emotions and go from there. This thread just confirms it for me. Back pain was my big one and lead me to Sarno's first book. Several years later incredible knee pain which eventually vanished. Also featured over the years were,severe jaw pain,chest pain,ringing ears.twitching eye,sphincter pain and neck pain. I am currently having a round of foot pain but I'll tell you what....even in my pain there is a joy and sense of gratitude for the knowledge I have gained about TMS I know this to shall pass. |
pspa123 |
Posted - 07/24/2012 : 19:39:52 Has anyone been diagnosed w/ atrial fibrillation and dealt w/ it as a TMS Symptom.
I have very intermittent afib. There is almost certainly a stress, mind-body component to it in my case. Although I have not yet learned to do the same with some other symptoms, I can usually view the episodes as nuisances and just wait for my mind and body (aided by a beta blocker) to bring me back into rhythm. |
Wavy Soul |
Posted - 07/24/2012 : 19:12:17 Geographic tongue? Huh?
Love is the answer, whatever the question |
tennis tom |
Posted - 07/24/2012 : 10:02:01 Well I guess this TMS work is paying off for me, I can't come up with much except for my chronic TMS/"significant arthritis" right hip. The only other structural symptom I got in the last couple of years is a "frozen" left shoulder I attributed physically to swimming. Through thinking TMS'ly, I was able to arrest it. In prior times it may have exploded into a major distraction like my right shoulder did years ago. It became a neurologist diagnosed "C6/C7" pinched nerve,requiring a month layoff doing a ridiculous traction bag everyday, "or I'll be seeing you for surgery". Back then I did get some multi-tasking benefit while sitting with the traction bag, reading a good book by Dan Millman and learning how to write left handed.
An affective TMS syptom I have is some anxiety, but when I attribute it to TMS, I can think my way through it rationalizing it away or coming up with a practical solution if the situation warrants the anxiety.
Stick with the program, this TMS stuff works. |
catmac |
Posted - 07/24/2012 : 05:36:19 Any more thoughts on this? If so, we should start a new thread... (sorry westcoastram!) [/quote]
Hi SS,
Totally agree with the 'zen' thing. Would you start a new thread with what your tms doctor discussed with you. We dont really have many in the uk, where I live.
I've started to use relaxation tapes and a meditation course which also talks about observing the pain. I got too caught up in trying to analyze what was troubling me and getting frustrated when I couldnt 'fix' myself so I have found observing the pain (without rationalisation or judgement) and just letting it pass is working quite well.
sorry for interrupting the thread...............I have most of the sympotms that have already been mentioned.
thanks Cat
MichaelB |
Posted - 07/23/2012 : 22:23:12 Wow what a list! I can add to it also. I've had- IBS Geographic Tongue shin splint at my inside left ankle panic attack Fatigue to the max Hip pain Big toe pain gut pain dry heaves
probably more but that'll do for now. Thanks for reading them. MB |
jennypeanut |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 23:29:44 Before I read Sarno:
heart palpitations (Mitral Valve Prolapse) dizziness dry eye & eye floaters ringing in the ears (tinnitus) upper back pain/ neck/ shoulder pain TMJ pain headaches numbness & tingling in hands, arms, feet, trunk, face joint pain in almost every joint of the hands, arms, legs, feet "tennis elbow" allergies that led to constant sinus infections.
After reading Sarno:
heart palpitations- drastically improved dizziness - GONE eye issues - GONE Tinnitus - GONE Back/Neck/Shoulder pain - GONE TMJ - GONE headaches - GONE numbness/tingling - 90% better joint pain - 95% better tennis elbow - 95% better allergies/sinus infections - GONE, even got off the meds to prevent them. STILL GONE!
Of course TMS has wormed its way into other issues since the majority of symptoms has completely disappeared:
muscle twitches - esp around eyes and some stomach issues
Wavy Soul |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 21:09:47 Jeezus, that last post sounds like my life! I guess you could say that I have overcome them, because those particular symptoms aren't active now.
I'll leave it right there for now

Love is the answer, whatever the question |
UmaLoo |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 16:38:17 This thread is great! Here's my list: growing pains in legs heart palpitations vertigo/dizziness eczema acne on face/shoulders/back/chest bout of severe dandruff hives plantar fasciitis patella-femoral syndrome ITB friction syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome tennis elbow dequarvains tenosynovitis tinnitis UTI's back pain severe neck pain (wry neck, torticollis) TMJ pain loud heartbeat in ears, and a sense of liquid rushing through ears migranes/tension headaches fatigue ulcer other stomach issues irregular/very painful menstrual cycle muscle twitches restless leg syndrome ganglion cysts acid reflux
Some I am continuing to maintain mindfulness over, others are no longer an issue at all! |
nikita007 |
Posted - 11/24/2009 : 04:20:44 quote: Originally posted by tractorgirll
Whoops--sorry. I forgot one (probably more than that, actually). A few times, after sun exposure while on vacation in Florida, I've developed this really uncomfortable rash, despite wearing sunscreen. It definitely wasn't sunburn. It was raised, red, bumpy and hot to the touch. It itched, but itching it hurt, like scratching very sensitive sunburn. After a few days out of the sun, it went away (usually when I left for home and vacation was over). When I sat in the sun, even if it was covered, it burned--no fun. I took pictures, as I never had it when I was home and could show the dermatologist. He was really stumped and had an ANA blood test done to rule out lupus or anything like that. The tests came back normal, so he figured it was just a sun-related allergy. That was so strange because in my whole life, nothing like that had ever happened before despite plenty of sun exposure. Since then, I have taken trips to Mexico (even more intense sun than Florida) and baked (I know, I know, not good for you) in the sun at home in the upper midwest summers and nothing happened other than a tan (and the occasional sunburn). I had a mild recurrence of this rash this year while on vacation, though now that I know about TMS, I am suspecting this to be the case here and it wasn't nearly as bad. Dr. Marc Sopher told me it sounded like "polymorphous light eruption" and agreed that it might well be TMS, as no one really understand why people develop this reaction and it is harmless, though annoying. Also, my intermittent symptoms seem odd. Has anyone else experienced this?
westcoastram |
Posted - 05/10/2009 : 23:00:34 Love the fact that this thread still keeps going!
crk |
Posted - 05/10/2009 : 16:40:40 My first conscious TMS victory was over a chronic low back pain of 7 years duration, diagnosed as a few different things, lastly "sacroiliac joint dysfunction." During the last couple of years of the back pain era, I also had "hip bursitis," and "metatarsalgia," or "neuroma," depending on who you asked. All this disappeared in about 2 weeks after reading Sarno's Healing Back Pain.
Since then I have defeated a bunch of neck pains and a slew of "running injuries." Funny how a "running injury" can flare up when you're sitting at a computer if you think the wrong thoughts. lol Among these are pain in the knee, shin, ankle, heel, foot, groin, calf -- man, just about everywhere. The only pains that took longer than about 20 minutes to get rid of using Sarno's approach were those that popped up just before important races, on 3 occasions. These races have shown me that I still have a bit of work to do regarding childhood insecurities, self image, etc. |
playsinpain |
Posted - 04/23/2009 : 12:12:53 Has anyone been diagnosed w/ atrial fibrillation and dealt w/ it as a TMS Symptom. I believe this is the last possible thing my mind can use to distract me....I was ignoring it pretty well until my routine Cardiologist visit yesterday when the Med student who ran my EKG started to freak out that I had an "abnormal" rhythm. My Dr. came in and told me it was not a big deal, no worse than when I was originally diagnosed, but the damage was done; my anxiety level was way up. I totally believe this is TMS, but it's just hard to fully break the fear cycle. I see alot of palpatations and Mitral Valve Prolapse being cited; has anyone actually been diagnosed w/ A-Fib? |
tractorgirll |
Posted - 04/22/2009 : 19:50:53 Thanks for the idea. Who knows!? And, I'm inclined to say, who cares, as I no longer think it's something serious. It might be an allergic reaction like that if it didn't seem to come and go with no rhyme or reason. I have used sunscreen for years between episodes with no reaction whatsoever. Thanks for the thoughts though. They're always appreciated. |
miche |
Posted - 04/22/2009 : 13:14:09 Tractorgirl, You could be allergic to any of the active ingredients, fragrances and preservatives in sunscreen, paba has been removed for the most part because of it's allergic properties but a number of paba chemicals are still in use today including padimate A and O. Many sunscreens are falsely labeled “hypo-allergenic” since they do not contain PABA, but can still cause contact dermatitis from other active ingredients. I cannot wear foundations with sunscreen less I break out in a rash |