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 Kevin Trudeau Book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
marytabby Posted - 08/10/2005 : 07:16:19
I just picked up the Kevin Trudea book: "Natural Cures, What They Don't Want You to Know." So far it's interesting reading, if it's all based on truth. Basicly he exposes the FDA and FTC with regard to keeping all natural/herbal remedies off the shelves and they discredit them to give the pharmaceutical industry more profits.
As I am reading it I find a lot of parallel ideas to Sarno's, in that the doctors all keep pushing drugs on patients, because they get kickbacks and incentives from the drug companies. Also he says how by taking these drugs that docs keep giving us, it creates more "disease" and illness due to the side effects, so they put you on something new to combat that, and on and on, so the cycle of profit making by the drug industry is constantly fed. By the way, my doctor is notorious for writing scripts, maybe now I know why. Anyway, my point here is to ask has anyone else here read the book, and if so what do you think of it? Do you think he really is on to something here and does it have credibility? I think it's a good piece of education so far because as I said, Trudeau has a lot of similar ideas about healthcare as Sarno, even though, granted, he believes in herbal remedies and Sarno doesn't suggest any homeopathic remedies. I'm just finding the book eye-opening, if in fact, Trudeau has credibility.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wavy Soul Posted - 01/04/2013 : 23:00:26

I think he makes some good points re the medical establishment, but seems to want to do it in order to bolster the alternative medical movement (almost wrote "establishment." Think it's close,but prob not.).

In any case, I have just as many problems with the "holistic" types. I've wasted thousands on their scientifically dubious treatments. And I found them every bit as greedy as regular docs. Since most of their patients don't have insurance to cover things like chelation therapy for one example, they're essentially running a cash business..The last doc I saw was charging nearly 300 bucks an hour...And that's net of all supplements which can cost a fortune...

My bottom line is to stay away from all doctors, practitioners, and "healers" of every conceivable stripe unless my ass is pretty literally falling off...And even then very, very reluctantly.

I'm sitting here trying to think of just one example of a doctor actually giving me something for my money that worked in the last thirty years and I'm coming up with a big blank. On the other side of the ledger, I have found the healing powers of my own mind and body to be nearly miraculous...I need only give them a chance..

Just one man's opinion.

Hello Art and everyone,

Yes, I have had a similar experience to Art, although I'm not blaming the practitioners I've been to. I think out of probably several hundred, only a couple have been cynical and money-grabbing. Stupid? Now, that's another matter. 99%. But in America there is an "illness business." When I was back in England recently, and had a minor thing, the health service docs just wanted to get me up and running again because they weren't oriented towards making money from illness.

But dammit - even my qi gong teacher, a Chinese lady whom I love, talks about "sick chi" and keeps mentioning various illnesses in class - subscribing to the viral epidemic of illness-think. I asked her to stop it in front of the whole class. Didn't go down well.

I also avoid docs until my ass is falling off. Of course, my ass falls off at regular intervals, so I do go to the doc occasionally (you know what I went through). Amazing to have gone for years and years without a chiropractor, for example, when they used to seem essential. I have a lovely MD who is ok not seeing me for years and it's nice to have had her for 15 years. I have a cheap acupuncturist, who is like a therapist - we talk and I often cry and she puts in needles that make me very relaxed and it's $35.

But, really, I know what you mean. It's all a giant scam except the ass-reinstalling part.

Love is the answer, whatever the question
shawnsmith Posted - 01/03/2013 : 06:01:34
John Stossel Exposes Liar Kevin Trudeau
eric watson Posted - 01/01/2013 : 19:52:28
Originally posted by pspa123

Good thoughts can definitely positively influence one's health, no disagreement there. Wasn't it Plato who said, a sound mind in a sound body?

im not sure-but that a good thought-thanks pspa
pspa123 Posted - 01/01/2013 : 18:42:08
Good thoughts can definitely positively influence one's health, no disagreement there. Wasn't it Plato who said, a sound mind in a sound body?
eric watson Posted - 01/01/2013 : 05:12:10
Originally posted by pspa123

By the way you can read about DOZENS of cancer cures on the internet. I have, for the reasons stated earlier. Alkaline diet is one of many natural cures that are touted. That doesn't make them true, right?

And there is a First Amendment, anyone who says his books have been banned has a credibility problem in my mind. Google Kevin Trudeau and quack or scam and see what you come up with....

i agree-sorry about your brother....
my whole message from the start was to
live, live the best life you can thru tms healing
see we dont always have them but (good thoughts was my main point)
im not saying its a cancer cure but it can put a lot more
life in ya day-
god bless

pspa123 Posted - 12/31/2012 : 19:04:31
By the way you can read about DOZENS of cancer cures on the internet. I have, for the reasons stated earlier. Alkaline diet is one of many natural cures that are touted. That doesn't make them true, right?

And there is a First Amendment, anyone who says his books have been banned has a credibility problem in my mind. Google Kevin Trudeau and quack or scam and see what you come up with....

pspa123 Posted - 12/31/2012 : 18:58:16
Eric I read all that stuff when my brother had cancer, we very much wanted to avoid chemo and I spent many many hours reading all the alternative treatment stuff. It seemed to me the evidence was very sketchy and most respectable sources debunked it. I don't buy the theory that drug companies and the government are letting people die in massive numbers because there's no money in the real cure. I just don't.

But everyone is entitled to an opinion. Have a peaceful New Year, I enjoy your posts.
pspa123 Posted - 12/31/2012 : 18:50:36
I would love to see that evidence. If this is true and the cure is that simple, then a massive crime against humanity is being perpetrated and billions of dollars in research money are being wasted.
eric watson Posted - 12/31/2012 : 18:32:46
(by just choosing to walk in acceptance and peace then you become alkaline any way-)
- good thoughts make you alkaline so which do you pick
pspa123 Posted - 12/31/2012 : 17:17:48
A brilliant post by Art, I could not agree more with what he says, except that I actually have found my cardiologist to be a wonderful doctor. I too have wasted all sorts of $$$ on naturopaths, homeopaths, etc. etc. People basically selling placebos who know dangerously little, if you ask me. Fortunately for them, the stuff is generally benign. I do take some supplements, but based on my own research, thank you.

If curing cancer was really as easy as an alkaline diet, in the information age could that really have been suppressed?
eric watson Posted - 12/31/2012 : 06:08:45
ive read all his books-i dont express for any one else to read them because of the fear i see all thru the books,-but what we get here at the pinnacle of tms healing-its the power we receive through this knowledge therapy that keeping a good ,attitude toward life and not bottleing up all those negative emotions that we become alkaline by just our thoughts.
a power to think about
almost there Posted - 08/11/2005 : 08:54:40
I too sent for and received Kevin Trudeau's book, "Natural Cures, What They Don't Want You To Know". So far he has offered nothing new that I haven't heard before from a hundred other sources. I thought he would give specific advise on what to do "naturally" for a varity of problems and illnesses.....the information is mostly to avoid just about everything in our the air we breath, the water we drink and bath in, the foods we eat, etc.....impossible, unrealistic, scary and depressing!
The whole point of the book is a long diatribe against the drug industry. I also received several copies of his newsletter which I don't want....when I tried to call within the 30 days allowed to cancel them I kept getting cut off after going through an elaborate menu....and listening to dreadful, loud music.....I finally left a message somewhere and hope this will be the end of it! Shame on me for falling for this!
On the subject of natural cures....has anyone ever taken "Manno-Max" (d-mannose) to prevent urinary tract infections?
art Posted - 08/10/2005 : 17:25:44
I think he makes some good points re the medical establishment, but seems to want to do it in order to bolster the alternative medical movement (almost wrote "establishment." Think it's close,but prob not.).

In any case, I have just as many problems with the "holistic" types. I've wasted thousands on their scientifically dubious treatments. And I found them every bit as greedy as regular docs. Since most of their patients don't have insurance to cover things like chelation therapy for one example, they're essentially running a cash business..The last doc I saw was charging nearly 300 bucks an hour...And that's net of all supplements which can cost a fortune...

My bottom line is to stay away from all doctors, practitioners, and "healers" of every conceivable stripe unless my ass is pretty literally falling off...And even then very, very reluctantly.

I'm sitting here trying to think of just one example of a doctor actually giving me something for my money that worked in the last thirty years and I'm coming up with a big blank. On the other side of the ledger, I have found the healing powers of my own mind and body to be nearly miraculous...I need only give them a chance..

Just one man's opinion.

Wilf Posted - 08/10/2005 : 14:00:14
I would avoid Kevin Trudeau like the plague. If you type in "Kevin Trudeau" at Google, you will read the litany of all the frauds he has been involved in. I had a quick look at his latest book. He tells you he has the "cure for Cancer", but cannot tell you what it is because the FDA wont let him. But, if you subscribe to his "newsletter" ( at what cost I do not know), he will tell you the cure. I may be Canadian, but I'm from Misouri. ( I do not know if I spelled that right).
n/a Posted - 08/10/2005 : 11:19:38
Not sure about herbal remedies, Maryalma - some of them are very powerful and even dangerous if taken by people with certain health conditions. There can be dangerous interactions with prescribed and OTC medicines as well.

What worries me about them is that they are not subject to the same testing procedures that conventional medications have to undergo.

Some, like cranberry extract and arnica have proved very useful over many years, but I think people need to be careful what they do when they decide to take herbal remedies.

Quite a few remedies and herbal supplements have been banned in the countries of the European Union in the last few years. While the drug companies may have had some influence on these decisions, there are grounds for concern also

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