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 Avoiding fear and relapses

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
filipe Posted - 08/30/2023 : 05:00:04
Hi, its me again :(

Here is my story for those who dont remember me:

15 years ago, I had a lot of pain symptoms. It escaleted from a arm aches, to a full body burning sensation, all over my body. I even had Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiac arrythmia, you name it. I had multiple neurological symptoms. I took all the medicine I could get.

That time, I read a lot of scary things about diseases (created by Modern Medicine) related to my symptoms, and Fear took all over my body. Fotunatelly I found Mr Sarno, and this Forum.

Nevertheless, I had several relapses through these 15 years. Usualy they ocour in September, late august, in the end of my hollyday, before going back to my job.

I was pain free until now for 4 years. I'm now in pain again,just because 5 days ago I had a single thought about my old chronic pain, and about how I menage to overcome it. This thought transform into uncontrollable fear, and anxiety of chronic pain coming back.

I know the answer to my pain, I know its cause, but it is not easy to control these thoughts, when you are a very sensitive person like I am. There is no magic bullet to end pain, except one, I will tell you later in the end of my post.

Anyway, I learn some things through the years, and like to share it:

1st: every chronic disease is TMS related;

2nd: Every so called diseased is caused by fear. Modern medicine takes advantage of this, and promote fear.

3rd: Chronic pain is nothing more than Chronic anxiety, it happens when fear takes over your body, and your mind/thoughts. You enter a cycle of fear and fear of feeling fear.

4tht: the only answer to overcome pain is shifting your attention from it. It Is not that easy, sometimes, because fear is very powerful, and a good distraction from dealing with your inner emotions. YOU HAVE TO CALMD DOWN. Information is the key in the beginning, but then you have to let it go.

Are there techniques for you to improve your memory focus? I mean, when I'm in pain, it is difficult to change my attention to other stuff, than pain, and bad thoughts. Even my dreams are dark. Can fear arose from wheather, or you sensing the same kind of stuff, you sense when pain first started?

Shifting your attention is the key, because when you shift your attention to something that really interests you for a period of time, the pain goes away, and it gets memento.

Im against pills, but Should one take one if he knows there is a relapse commning?

How can you avoid this from happen? Eevrytime I try to adress fear, or negative thoughts, I end getting more fear.

Thanks :)

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