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 The offender's shame

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shari Posted - 11/06/2022 : 14:59:41
Dr. Sarno often mentions shame as one of the principal emotions we repress. When we think "shame" we think about the result of words or actions inflicted on us by others. The other type of shame, which is much harder to recognize, is the shame we repress as offenders. Offender's shame is hard to recognize because we like to think ourselves as being good people. And yet, all of us, at some point in our life, involuntarily or by being insensitive or ignorant, have inflicted pain on others. Admitting guilt brings shame, and this is unacceptable to the ego. It's easier to either deny that we did something wrong, or justify it, or shift the blame to the victim. But deep inside we know, without admitting it, that we did something wrong and, consciously or not, we repress these embarrassing feelings. It can be difficult and painful to recall events and emotions that made us victims. It's a lot harder and very painful to recall events and emotions in which we were the offender.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
altherunner Posted - 11/26/2022 : 20:28:56
Do you think women feel or are affected more by shame than men?

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