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 "The New Way To Cure Tms" : Pain Cure Clinic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tennis tom Posted - 10/29/2022 : 09:03:04
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shari Posted - 10/29/2022 : 13:24:24
This video implies that Dr. Sarno's books will not cure you of TMS, and that Dr. Sarno wrote his books "only to explain, promote and defend TMS." It adds that Dr. Sarno "wanted people to go to New York to attend his seminars, and that's how people healed their back pain." This is terribly misleading and insulting to Dr. Sarno and those of us who've been successfully cured of TMS by reading Dr. Sarno's books. The aim of this video is obvious: the authors are selling their own brand of TMS therapy call Sarno 3.0 (!), which will cost you hundreds of dollars.

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