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 30 days on min. wage - TMS raging

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Michele Posted - 06/16/2005 : 10:22:50
Morgan Spurlock, the man who ate nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days and made a movie entitled "Super Size Me", has a new series on FX. Last night was the first show where he and his fiancee went to live in Columbus, Ohio, working minimum wage or higher jobs.

What was most interesting to me, was the physical problems they both started to experience. These were two healthy young people, she is a vegan chef, and they ended up in an ant-infested apartment on the wrong side of town (only thing they could afford), working long hours at menial jobs. She developed a urinary tract infection and because they had no insurance, and the free clinic was full, ended up in the emergency room. He started having wrist pain and also ended up in the emergency room. They also started having headaches, and other physical problems.

The stress of trying to make a living on minimum wage was too much, and it appears they both developed TMS!
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Baseball65 Posted - 06/19/2005 : 10:39:41
Steve just made an excellent point.

I used to have medical insurance,and even though my TMS went away,I would still run down to the MD's office for every ailment(cold's,viruses,etc)

Now that I have to pay $150 plus meds full price for every visit(maybe 250 total) I have just sat through a month long bacterial/viral deal with NO doctor visit....the first time I've been really sick all year.

I was hoping it was psychosomatic so I could "beat" it,but unfortunately me and my work partner both contracted it right after working in a NASTY rotten old house.I finally had an MD friend phone in a scrip for Antibiotics,my partner did not.....I got well immediately,he remained sick for three more weeks.Therein lies the proof that we definitely were huffing some sort of bacteria(anti-Biotics don't kill viral infections)

...But,that was the first REAL illness in a year,and I treated it like TMS conversion until I almost keeled batting average is still .985

ALSO.... I am making the least amount of money for the hardest work in my life right now(about 13 bucks an hour)....I can feel the gremlin trying to sneak in.....all my philosophical and spiritual reasoning can't tell the spoiled brat inside me to shut I have to stay really tuned to his rantings,lest my wrist swells up as well.

TMS can cause physical changes like swelling....try cutting off the blood flow to say,your fingertip.....does it shrink? Hell no!
It swells up.

-good point Steve.


smwalker Posted - 06/19/2005 : 02:43:41
I saw the show as well and it looked like his wrist was pretty well swelled up. Remember this was the first physical Labor the guy had ever done.

I also tend to think poor people with no insurance have less instances of pain from TMS simple because they know in their mind they will not avoid anything by having the condition. Like say in the US 15% of people have back pain. Think that is the same percentage in Ethiopia? Hell no, they do not have time for pain, they have to go get their next meal.

People who can go see the doctor everyday for 5.00 a pop, those are the people most likely to use TMS to avoid something in their life. Cut them off from that or raise the price to $200 a visit and I bet many ailments would disappear!

Steve Walker
art Posted - 06/17/2005 : 20:15:28
Not at all implying that being poor is funny. But these are middle-class,highly educated people slumming it,if I'm understanding the situation correctly. That they would get TMS pretending to be poor has comic elements, for me anyway.
celestica Posted - 06/17/2005 : 02:46:52
Not for people who live on minimum wage...have experienced it myself and it is only slightly less depression inducing than total unemployment. There is nothing worse than working really hard and not having enough money to eat well and pay rent on time...I was so traumatised by meals of plain spaghetti with dried basil and salt I couldn't eat pasta for 8 years.

art Posted - 06/16/2005 : 15:21:31
Hi Michele..

That's very interesting. Also a little comic, no?

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