Well here we are - into 2019! Where does time fly? I hope you had a lovely Christmas and were able to spend time with family as well as nurture yourself. I know many people struggle at Christmas for various reasons and if that's the case, I hope this new year offers new opportunities as well as health and happiness to you all.
It's catch up time for me after taking some time off over the Christmas period, so I thought I would share some positive messages from people who have gone through their own recovery journeys, which you can see in the boxes below.
In the meantime, at last awareness of the importance of the mindbody relationship is being more widely understood and accepted. Examples of this iinclude:
The health insurance company, Cigna, who are highlighting the importance of addressing body, stress and emotions in their most recent advertising campaign. British Doctors to hopefully start prescribing therapeutic art- or hobby-based treatments and finally, I thought I would share this article with some good suggestions - 24 Stress-Relief Techniques to Help You Stop Worrying and Start Living
Best wishes, Georgie
Georgie Oldfield MCSP Physiotherapist & Founder of SIRPA
Chronic Pain: your key to recovery - just £5.49 on kindle! Buy it NOW
SIRPA News Update Gary's recovery story Poem - The Past is Gone image Thank you to David for reminding me of this lovely testimonial by Gary. He recounts how his pain affected him and how he recovered, while demonstrating his now very active life as he rides his bike while explaining!
Click to watch HERE image Thank you to Jane Grifiths for this lovely poem she sent me about TMS and her advice if you find yourself with this condition.
SIRPA’s approach focuses on actual recovery, rather than treating or managing the pain. It involves an educational, evidence-based and self-empowering approach to help individuals identify and acknowledge the underlying causes of their pain while also developing nerve pathways that allow a pain free, healthy life.